The GC bibliography

The bibliography is available in BibTeX format (including abstracts for many entries), or as PDF or in a series of web pages

I would be most grateful to receive additions, corrections and URLs of electronically available papers.

Last updated 15 January 2025.


[sach04] Narendran Sachindran, J. Eliot B. Moss, and Emery D. Berger. MC²: High-performance garbage collection for memory-constrained environments. In OOPSLA 2004 [OOPSLA04], 2004, pages 81-98. Available here.

[sach03] Narendran Sachindran and Eliot Moss. MarkCopy: Fast copying GC with less space overhead. In OOPSLA 2003 [OOPSLA03], 2003, pages 326-343. Available here.

[sagi99] M. Sagiv, T. Reps, and R. Wilhelm. Parametric shape analysis via 3-valued logic. In POPL 1999 [POPL99], 1999. statically analyse heap paths. Available here.

[sago04] Konstantinos Sagonas and Jesper Wilhelmsson. Message analysis-guided allocation and low-pause incremental garbage collection in a concurrent language. In Bacon and Diwan [ISMM04], 2004, pages 1-12. Available here.

[sago06a] Konstantinos Sagonas and Jesper Wilhelmsson. Efficient memory management for concurrent programs that use message passing. Science of Computer Programming, 62(2):98-121, October 2006. Available here.

[sago06] Konstantinos Sagonas and Jesper Wilhelmsson. Mark and split. In Petrank and Moss [ISMM06], 2006, pages 29-39. Available here.

[sahl91] Dan Sahlin and Mats Carlsson. Variable shunting for the WAM. Research report SICS/R91-07, Swedish Institute of Computer Science, March 1991.

[sahl87] Dan Sahlin. Making garbage collection independent of the amount of garbage. Research Report SICS/R-87/87008, SICS, 1987. Appendix to SICS research report R86009 ``Garbage collection for Prolog based on WAM.''.

[saik05] Hideaki Saiki, Yoshiharu Konaka, Tsuneyasu Komiya, Masahiro Yasugi, and Taiichi Yuasa. Real-time GC in JeRTyVM using the return-barrier method. In Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Symposium on Object-oriented Real-time distributed Computing (ISORC'05), pages 140-148. IEEE, 2005. Available here.

[saka12] Kazuki Sakamoto and Tomohiko Furumoto. Life Before Automatic Reference Counting, pages 1-29. Apress, Berkeley, CA, 2012. Available here.

[sala05] Guillaume Salagnac, Sergio Yovine, and Diego Garbervetsky. Fast escape analysis for region-based memory management. In 1st International Workshop on Abstract Interpretation of Object-Oriented Languages (AIOOL), Paris, January 2005. Available here.

[sala06] Guillaume Salagnac, Chaker Nakhli, Christophe Rippert, and Sergio Yovine. Efficient region-based memory management for resource-limited real-time embedded systems. In Zendra [ICOOOLPS06], 2006, page 8. Available here.

[sala07] Guillaume Salagnac, C. Rippert, and S. Yovine. Semi-automatic region-based memory management for real-time Java embedded systems. In Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications, pages 73-–80. IEEE Computer Society, 2007. Available here.

[sala04] Guillaume Salagnac. Gestion automatique de la mémoire dynamique pour des programmes Java temps-réel embarqués. Report de d.e.a., Université Joseph Fourier, June 2004.

[salc01] Alexandru Salcianu. Pointer analysis and its applications for Java programs. Master's thesis, MIT Press, September 2001. Available here.

[salk87] Jon D. Salkild. Implementation and analysis of two reference counting algorithms. Master's thesis, University College, London, 1987.

[sall84] Patrick Sallé. Syntaxe et sémantique de PLASMA et ALOG. Technical report, LSI-ENSEEIHT, Toulouse, 1984.

[samp86] A. Dain Samples, David M. Ungar, and Paul Hilfinger. SOAR: Smalltalk without bytecodes. In OOPSLA 1986 [OOPSLA86], 1986, pages 107-118. Available here.

[samp92] A. Dain Samples. Garbage collection-cooperative C++. In Bekkers and Cohen [IWMM92], 1992, pages 315-329. Available here.

[sanc01] Alfonso Sanchez, Luís Veiga, and Paulo Ferreira. Distributed garbage collection for wide area replicated memory. In 6th USENIX Conference on Object-Oriented Technologies and Systems (COOTS), San Antonio, TX, January 2001. USENIX Association.

[sand01] David Sands. Spikes and ballast: The algebra of space. In SPACE 2001 [SPACE01], 2001. Available here.

[sank94a] Nandakumar Sankaran. A bibliography on garbage collection and related topics. ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 29(9):140-148, September 1994. A small collection! Available here.

[sans93] Patrick M. Sansom and Simon L. Peyton Jones. Generational garbage collection for Haskell. In Hughes [FPCA93], 1993, pages 106-116. Available here.

[sans94] Patrick M. Sansom and Simon L. Peyton Jones. Time and space profiling for non-strict, higher-order, functional languages. Research Report FP-1994-10, University of Glasgow, 1994.

[sans91a] Patrick M. Sansom. Dual-mode garbage collection. Technical Report CSTR 91-07, Department of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton, June 1991. 3rd International Workshop on Implementation of Functional Languages on Parallel Architectures. Available here.

[sans91] Patrick M. Sansom. Combining copying and compacting garbage collection. In Peyton Jones et al. [glasgow91], 1992.

[sans94a] Patrick M. Sansom. Execution Profiling for Non-Strict Functional Languages. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow, 1994.

[sare23] Kunal Sareen, Stephen M. Blackburn, Sara S. Hamouda, and Lokesh Gidra. Memory management on mobile devices. In Bond et al. [ISMM24], 2024, pages 15-–29. Available here.

[sare22a] Kunal Sareen and Stephen M. Blackburn. Better understanding the costs and benefits of automatic memory management. In Wrigstad and Gonzalez~Boix [MPLR22], 2022.

[sare22] Kunal Sareen. How much does garbage collection cost? a study on the effects of garbage collection. Honours thesis, Australian National University, November 2022.

[sark95] Jean-Pierre Sarkis and Richie Bielak. Implementing stacks. Eiffel Outlook, 4(6):6-9, September 1995.

[sart08] Jennifer B. Sartor, Martin Hirzel, and Kathryn S. McKinley. No bit left behind: Limits of heap data compression. In Jones and Blackburn [ISMM08], 2008, pages 111-120. Available here.

[sart08a] Jennifer B. Sartor, Martin Hirzel, and Kathryn S. McKinley. No bit left behind: The limits of heap data compression (extended version). Technical Report TR-08-17, University of Texas at Austin, 2008. Available here.

[sart10] Jennifer B. Sartor, Stephen M. Blackburn, Daniel Frampton, Martin Hirzel, and Kathryn S. McKinley. Z-rays: Divide arrays and conquer speed and flexibility. In PLDI 2010 [PLDI10], 2010, pages 471-482. Available here.

[sart14] Jennifer B. Sartor, Wim Heirman, Stephen M. Blackburn, Lieven Eeckhout, and Kathryn S. McKinley. Cooperative cache scrubbing. In Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation (PACT'14), pages 15-26. ACM Press, 2014. Available here.

[sart12] Jennifer B. Sartor and Lieven Eeckhout. Exploring multi-threaded Java application performance on multicore hardware. In OOPSLA 2012 [OOPSLA12], 2012, pages 281-296. Available here.

[sasa19] Koichi Sasada. Gradual write-barrier insertion into a Ruby interpreter. In Xu and Singer [ISMM19], 2019, pages 115-121. Available here.

[sati94] S. Satishkumar. Register allocation for accurate garbage collection of C++. Master's thesis, Iowa State University, July 1994. Technical report ISUTR 94-12. Available here.

[saun74] Robert A. Saunders. The LISP system for the Q-32 computer. In Berkeley and Bobrow [berk74], 1974, pages 220-231. Available here.

[SC91] 5th ACM/IEEE Conference on Supercomputing, Cologne, West Germany, June 1991.

[SC94] G.M. Johnson, editor. ACM/IEEE Conference on Supercomputing, Washington, DC, November 1994.

[SC97] ACM/IEEE Conference on Supercomputing, San Jose, CA, November 1997.

[SC01] ACM/IEEE Conference on Supercomputing, Denver, CO, November 2001.

[scha11] Thomas Schatzl, Laurent Daynès, and Hanspeter Mössenböck. Optimized memory management for class metadata in a jvm. In PPPJ 2011 [PPPJ11], 2011, page 151–160. Available here.

[scha21] Thomas Schatzl. Heap regions X-large., November 2021. Available here.

[scha22] Thomas Schatzl. Card table card size shenanigans., February 2022. Available here.

[scha22a] Thomas Schatzl. Concurrent marking in G1., August 2022. Available here.

[sche88a] W.F. Schelter and M. Ballantyne. Kyoto Common Lisp. AI Expert, 3(3):75-77, 1988.

[sche88] M. Schelvis and E. Bledoeg. The implementation of a distributed Smalltalk. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 322:212-232, 1988.

[sche89] M. Schelvis. Incremental distribution of timestamp packets - a new approach to distributed garbage collection. ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 24(10):37-48, 1989.

[schi90] J. Schimpf. Garbage collection for Prolog based on twin cells. In 2nd NACLP Workshop on Logic Programming Architectures and Implementations. MIT Press, 1990. Available here.

[schm92a] William J. Schmidt and Kelvin Nilsen. Experimental measurements of a real-time garbage collection architecture. Technical report, Iowa State University, 1992. Technical report ISUTR 92-26. Available here.

[schm94] William J. Schmidt and Kelvin D. Nilsen. Performance of a hardware-assisted real-time garbage collector. In ASPLOS 1994 [ASPLOS94], 1994, pages 76-85. Available here.

[schm92] William J. Schmidt. Issues in the Design and Implementation of a Real-Time Garbage Collection Architecture. PhD thesis, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, 1992. Technical report ISUTR 92-25. Available here.

[schn01] Daniel Schneider, Bernd Mathiske, Matthias Ernst, and Matthew Seidl. Automatic persistent memory management for the Spotless Java virtual machine on the Palm connected organizer. In JVM 2001 [JVM01], 2001. Available here.

[schn06] Scott Schneider, Christos Antonopoulos, and Dimitrios Nikolopoulos. Scalable locality-conscious multithreaded memory allocation. In Petrank and Moss [ISMM06], 2006, pages 84-94. Available here.

[scho08] Martin Schoeberl and Wolfgang Puffitsch. Non-blocking object copy for real-time garbage collection. In JTRES 2008 [JTRES08], 2008, pages 77-84. Available here.

[scho10a] Martin Schoeberl and Wolfgang Puffitsch. Non-blocking real-time garbage collection. ACM Transactions on Embedded Computer Systems, 10(1):6:1-6:28, August 2010. Available here.

[scho07] Martin Schoeberl and Jan Vitek. Garbage collection for safety critical Java. In JTRES 2007 [JTRES07], 2007, pages 85-93. Available here.

[scho06] Martin Schoeberl. Real-time garbage collection for Java. In ISORC 2006 [ISORC06], 2006, pages 424-432. Available here.

[scho10] Martin Schoeberl. Scheduling of hard real-time garbage collection. Real-Time Systems, 45(3):176-213, 2010. Available here.

[scho84] R. Schooler and James W. Stamos. Proposal for a small Scheme implementation. Technical Memo MIT/LCS/TM-267, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science, October 1987. Available here.

[scho67] H. Schorr and W. Waite. An efficient machine independent procedure for garbage collection in various list structures. Communications of the ACM, 10(8):501-506, August 1967.

[schr94] Wolfgang Schreiner. Garbage collection on a stack. Technical report, Research Institute for Symbolic Computation (RISC-Linz), Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria, January 1994.

[schu94] Wolfram Schulte. Deriving reference count garbage collectors. In 6th International Symposium on Programming Language Implementation and Logic Programming, pages 102-116, September 1994.

[schw74] Jacob T. Schwartz. More on copy optimization of SETL programs. SETL Newsletter 131, Courant Inst. of Mathematical Sciences, New York University, June 1974.

[schw76] Jacob T. Schwartz. A coarser, but simpler and considerably more efficient copy optimization technique. SETL Newsletter 176, Courant Inst. of Mathematical Sciences, New York University, August 1976.

[schw78] Jerald Schwarz. Verifying the safe use of destructive operations in applicative programs. In Program Transformations - Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Programming, pages 395-411, 1978.

[seid97] Matthew L. Seidl and Benjamin Zorn. Predicting references to dynamically allocated objects. Technical Report CU-CS-826-97, University of Colorado, January 1997. Available here.

[seid99a] Matthew L. Seidl and Benjamin Zorn. Implementing heap-object behavior prediction efficiently and effectively. Technical Report CU-CS-893-99, University of Colorado, dec 1999. Submitted to Software - Practice and Experience. Available here.

[seid99] Matthew L. Seidl and Benjamin Zorn. Low cost methods for predicting heap object behavior. In 2nd Workshop on Feedback Directed Optimization, pages 83-90, Haifa, Israel, November 1999. Available here.

[seli90] Robert Seliger. Extending C++ to support remote procedure call, concurrency, exception handling and garbage collection. In Usenix C++ Conference, pages 241-264. USENIX Association, 1990.

[seli95] Jacob Seligmann and Steffen Grarup. Incremental mature garbage collection using the Train Algorithm. In Nierstrasz [ECOOP95], 1995, pages 235-252. Available here.

[serr00] Manuel Serrano and Hans-J Boehm. Understanding memory allocation of Scheme programs. In ICFP 2000 [ICFP00], 2000. Available here.

[serr96] Manuel Serrano and Marc Feeley. Storage use analysis and its applications. In ICFP 1996 [ICFP96], 1996. Available here.

[serr09] Mauricio J. Serrano and Xiaotong Zhuang. Placement optimization using data context collected during garbage collection. In Kolodner and Steele [ISMM09], 2009, pages 69-78. Available here.

[serr94] Manuel Serrano. Vers un Compilation Portable et Performante des Langages Fonctionnels. PhD thesis, Université Paris 6, December 1994.

[sewa92] Julian Seward. Generational garbage collection for lazy graph reduction. In Bekkers and Cohen [IWMM92], 1992, pages 200-217. Available here.

[sewe10] Andreas Sewe, Dingwen Yuan, Jan Sinschek, and Mira Mezini. Headroom-based pretenuring: Dynamically pretenuring objects that live ``long enough''. In PPPJ 2010 [PPPJ10], 2010, pages 29-38. Available here.

[sewe11] Andreas Sewe, Mira Mezini, Aibek Sarimbekov, and Walter Binder. Da Capo con Scala: Design and analysis of a Scala benchmark suite for the Java virtual machine. In OOPSLA 2011 [OOPSLA11], 2011, pages 657–-676. Available here.

[sewe12] Andreas Sewe, Mira Mezini, Aibek Sarimbekov, Danilo Ansaloni, Walter Binder, Nathan Ricci, and Samuel Z. Guyer. new scala() instanceof Java: a comparison of the memory behaviour of Java and Scala programs. In McKinley and Vechev [ISMM12], 2012, pages 97-108. Available here.

[sewe12a] Andreas Sewe. Design and Analysis of a Scala Benchmark Suite for the Java Virtual Machine. PhD thesis, Technische Universität Darmstadt, November 2012.

[shah00] Ran Shaham, Elliot K. Kolodner, and Mooly Sagiv. On the effectiveness of GC in Java. In Chambers and Hosking [ISMM2000], 2000, pages 12-17. Available here.

[shah01] Ran Shaham, Elliot K. Kolodner, and Mooly Sagiv. Heap profiling for space-efficient Java. In PLDI 2001 [PLDI01], 2001, pages 104-113. Available here.

[shah02] Ran Shaham, Elliot Kolodner, and Mooly Sagiv. Estimating the impact of liveness information on space consumption in Java. In Boehm and Detlefs [ISMM02], 2002, pages 64-75. Available here.

[shah03] Ran Shaham, E. Yahav, Elliot Kolodner, and Mooly Sagiv. Establishing local temporal heap safety properties with applications to compile-time memory. In Static Analysis Symposium (SAS), volume 2694 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 483-503. Springer-Verlag, June 2003. Available here.

[shah12] Rifat Shahriyar, Stephen M. Blackburn, and Daniel Frampton. Down for the count? Getting reference counting back in the ring. In McKinley and Vechev [ISMM12], 2012, pages 73-84. Available here.

[shah13] Rifat Shahriyar, Stephen Michael Blackburn, Xi Yang, and Kathryn S. McKinley. Taking off the gloves with reference counting Immix. In OOPSLA 2013 [OOPSLA13], 2013, pages 93-110. Available here.

[shah14] Rifat Shahriyar, Stephen M. Blackburn, and Kathryn S. McKinley. Fast conservative garbage collection. In OOPSLA 2014 [OOPSLA14], 2014, pages 121-139. Available here.

[shah15] Rifat Shahriyar. High Performance Reference Counting and Conservative Garbage Collection. PhD thesis, Australian National University, April 2015. Code at Available here.

[shan89] Heping Shang. Consistent global state algorithms and an application in distributed garbage collection. Master's thesis, Concordia University, Canada, 1989.

[shan08] Ajeet Shankar, Matthew Arnold, and Rastislav Bodik. Jolt: Lightweight dynamic analysis and removal of object churn. In OOPSLA 2008 [OOPSLA08], 2008, pages 127-142. Available here.

[shap90] Marc Shapiro, Olivier Gruber, and David Plainfossé. A garbage detection protocol for a realistic distributed object-support system. Rapports de Recherche 1320, INRIA-Rocquencourt, November 1990. Superseded by [shap91]. Available here.

[shap92] Marc Shapiro, Peter Dickman, and David Plainfossé. Robust, distributed references and acyclic garbage collection. In PODC 1992 [PODC92], 1992, pages 135-146. Superseded by [shap92a]. Available here.

[shap92a] Marc Shapiro, Peter Dickman, and David Plainfossé. SSP chains: Robust, distributed references supporting acyclic garbage collection. Rapports de Recherche 1799, Institut National de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique (INRIA), November 1992. Available here.

[shap92b] Marc Shapiro, Julien Maisonneuve, and Pierre Collet. Implementing references as chains of links. In Cabrera et al. [IWOOOS92], 1992.

[shap94a] Marc Shapiro, David Plainfossé, Paulo Ferreira, and Laurent Amsaleg. Some key issues in the design of distributed garbage collection and references. In Unifying Theory and Practice in Distributed Systems, Dagstuhl (Germany), September 1994. Available here.

[shap97] Marc Shapiro, Sytse Kloosterman, and Fabio Riccardi. PerDiS - a persistent distributed store for cooperative applications. In 3rd Cabernet Plenary Workshop, Rennes (France), April 1997. Available here.

[shap00] Marc Shapiro, Fabrice Le Fessant, and Paulo Ferreira. Recent advances in distributed garbage collection. In Krakowiak and Shrivastava [krak00], 2000, pages 104-126. Available here.

[shap94] Marc Shapiro and Paulo Ferreira. Larchant-RDOSS: a distributed shared persistent memory and its garbage collector. Technical report, Institut National de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique (INRIA), November 1994. Superseded by [shap95].

[shap95] Marc Shapiro and Paulo Ferreira. Larchant-RDOSS: a distributed shared persistent memory and its garbage collector. In J.-M. Hélary and M. Raymond, editors, Workshop on Distributed Algorithms, number 972 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 198-214, Le Mont Saint-Michel, September 1995. Springer-Verlag. Available here.

[shap91] Marc Shapiro. A fault-tolerant, scalable, low-overhead distributed garbage collection protocol. In 10th Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems, Pisa, September 1991. Available here.

[shap93] Marc Shapiro. Flexible bindings for fine-grain and fragmented objects in distributed systems. Rapports de Recherche 2007, Institut National de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique (INRIA), 1993.

[shar91] Ravi Sharma and Mary Lou Soffa. Parallel generational garbage collection. In OOPSLA 1991 [OOPSLA91], 1991, pages 16-32. Available here.

[shaw87] Robert A. Shaw. Improving garbage collector performance in virtual memory. Technical Report CSL-TR-87-323, Stanford University, March 1987. Also Hewlett-Packard Laboratories report STL-TM-87-05, Palo Alto, 1987.

[shaw88] Robert A. Shaw. Empirical Analysis of a Lisp System. PhD thesis, Stanford University, 1988. Technical Report CSL-TR-88-351.

[shen04] Xipeng Shen, Yutao Zhong, and Chen Ding. Locality phase prediction. In Mukherjee and McKinley [ASPLOS04], 2004, pages 165-176. Available here.

[shen09] Xipeng Shen, Feng Mao, Kai Tian, and Eddy Zheng Zhang. The study and handling of program inputs in the selection of garbage collectors. SIGOPS Operating Systems Review, 43(3):48-61, July 2009. Available here.

[shen74] K.K. Shen and J.L. Peterson. A weighted buddy method for dynamic storage allocation. Communications of the ACM, 17(10):558-562, October 1974.

[shid14] Jonathan Shidal, Zachary Gottlieb, Ron K. Cytron, and Krishna M. Kavi. Trash in cache: Detecting eternally silent stores. In MSPC 2014 [MSPC14], 2014. Available here.

[shid15] Jonathan Shidal, Ari J. Spilo, Paul T. Scheid, Ron K. Cytron, and Krishna M. Kavi. Recycling trash in cache. In Bond and Hosking [ISMM15], 2015, pages 118-130. Available here.

[shim22] Marina Shimchenko, Mihail Popov, and Tobias Wrigstad. Analyzing and predicting energy consumption of garbage collectors in OpenJDK. In Wrigstad and Gonzalez~Boix [MPLR22], 2022.

[shin19] Jangseop Shin, Donghyun Kwon, Jiwon Seo, Yeongpil Cho, and Yunheung Paek. CRCount: Pointer invalidation with reference counting to mitigate use-after-free in legacy C/C++. In Network and Distributed Systems Security (NDSS) Symposium, San Diego, CA, 2019. Available here.

[shin85] Heonshik Shin and Miroslaw Malek. Parallel garbage collection with associative tag. In IEEE Conference on Parallel Processing, pages 369-375, Chicago, 1985. IEEE Press.

[shiv92] N.G. Shivaratri, P. Krueger, and M. Singhal. Load distributing for locally distributed systems. Computer, 25(12):33-44, December 1992.

[shiv99] O. Shivers, J.W. Clark, and R. McGrath. Atomic heap transactions and fine-grain interrupts. In ICFP 1999 [ICFP99], 1999.

[shor75] J.E. Shore. On the external storage fragmentation produced by first-fit and best-fit allocation strategies. Communications of the ACM, 18(8):433-440, August 1975.

[shor77] J.E. Shore. Anomalous behavior of the fifty-percent rule in dynamic memory allocation. Communications of the ACM, 20(11):558-562, November 1977.

[shuf01] Yefim Shuf, Mauricio Serrano, Manish Gupta, and Jaswinder Pal Singh. Characterizing the memory behavior of Java workloads: A structured view and opportunities for optimizations. In ACM SIGMETRICS International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems, June 2001.

[shuf02] Yefim Shuf, Manish Gupta, Rajesh Bordawekar, and Jaswinder Pal Singh. Exploiting prolific types for memory management and optimizations. In POPL 2002 [POPL02], 2002. Available here.

[shuf02a] Yefim Shuf, Manish Gupta, Hubertus Franke, Andrew Appel, and Jaswinder Pal Singh. Creating and preserving locality of Java applications at allocation and garbage collection times. In OOPSLA 2002 [OOPSLA02], 2002, pages 13-25. Available here.

[shul19] Thomas Shull, Jian Huang, and Josep Torrellas. AutoPersist: an easy-to-use Java NVM framework based on reachability. In PLDI 2019 [PLDI19], 2019, pages 316-332. Available here.

[schu85] Jon. Shultis. Imminent garbage collection. Technical Report CU-CS-305-85, University of Colorado, Department of Computer Science, 1985.

[sieb01] Fridtjof Siebert and Andy Walter. Deterministic execution of Java's primitive bytecode operations. In JVM 2001 [JVM01], 2001. Available here.

[sieb97] Fridtjof Siebert. Implementierung eines eiffel-compilers für sun/sparc. Master's thesis, Universitaet Stuttgart, 1997. Diplomarbeit 1484. In German. Available here.

[sieb98] Fridtjof Siebert. Guaranteeing non-disruptiveness and real-time deadlines in an incremental garbage collector. In Peyton~Jones and Jones [ISMM98], 1998, pages 130-137. Available here.

[sieb99a] Fridtjof Siebert. Hard real-time garbage collection in the Jamaica Virtual Machine. In RTCSA 1999 [RTCSA99], 1999, pages 96-102. Available here.

[sieb99] Fridtjof Siebert. Real-time garbage collection in multi-threaded systems on a single processor. In 20th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS), pages 277-278, Phoenix, AZ, December 1999. Available here.

[sieb00] Fridtjof Siebert. Eliminating external fragmentation in a non-moving garbage collector for Java. In Compilers, Architecture, and Synthesis for Embedded Systems (CASES), pages 9-17, San Jose, CA, November 2000. ACM Press. Available here.

[sieb01a] Fridtjof Siebert. Constant-time root scanning for deterministic garbage collection. In CC 2001 [CC01], 2001. Available here.

[sieb02] Fridtjof Siebert. Hard Realtime Garbage Collection in Modern Object Oriented Programming Languages. PhD thesis, University of Karlsruhe, 2002. Published by aicas Books.

[sieb04] Fridtjof Siebert. The impact of realtime garbage collection on realtime Java programming. In ISORC 2004 [ISORC04], 2004, pages 33-40.

[sieb07] Fridtjof Siebert. Realtime garbage collection in the JamaicaVM 3.0. In JTRES 2007 [JTRES07], 2007, pages 94-103. Available here.

[sieb08] Fridtjof Siebert. Limits of parallel marking collection. In Jones and Blackburn [ISMM08], 2008, pages 21-29. Available here.

[sieb10] Fridtjof Siebert. Concurrent, parallel, real-time garbage-collection. In Vitek and Lea [ISMM10], 2010, pages 11-20. Available here.

[sieb12] Fridtjof Siebert. Parallel real-time garbage collection. In Distributed, Embedded and Real-time Java Systems, chapter 4, pages 79-99. Springer, 2012. Available here.

[sieg06] David Siegwart and Martin Hirzel. Improving locality with parallel hierarchical copying GC. In Petrank and Moss [ISMM06], 2006, pages 52-63. Available here.

[SIGMOD16] ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, ACM SIGMOD Record, San Francisco, USA, June 2016.

[SIGMOD89] ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, ACM SIGMOD Record 18(2), Snowbird, Utah, June 1989.

[PLDI79] ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Compiler Construction, ACM SIGPLAN Notices 14(7), Denver, CO, August 1979. ACM Press. Available here.

[PLDI86] ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Compiler Construction, ACM SIGPLAN Notices 21(7), Palo Alto, CA, June 1986. ACM Press. Available here.

[PLDI87] Symposium on Interpreters and Interpretive Techniques, ACM SIGPLAN Notices 22(7), St Paul, MN, June 1987. ACM Press. Available here.

[sikl72] L. Siklossy. Fast and readonly algorithms for traversing trees without an auxiliary stack. Information Processing Letters, 1(4):149-152, June 1972.

[sing07] Jeremy Singer, Gavin Brown, Mikel Lujan, and Ian Watson. Towards intelligent analysis techniques for object pretenuring. In PPPJ 2007 [PPPJ07], 2007, pages 203-208. Available here.

[sing07a] Jeremy Singer, Gavin Brown, Ian Watson, and John Cavazos. Intelligent selection of application-specific garbage collectors. In Morrisett and Sagiv [ISMM07], 2007, pages 91-102. Available here.

[sing08] Jeremy Singer, Sebastien Marion, Gavin Brown, Richard Jones, Mikel Lújan, Chris Ryder, and Ian Watson. An information theoretic evaluation of software metrics for object lifetime prediction. In 2nd Workshop on Statistical and Machine Learning Approaches to Architectures and Compilation (SMART'08), page 15, Goteborg, Sweden, January 2008. Available here.

[sing10] Jeremy Singer, Richard Jones, Gavin Brown, and Mikel Luján. The economics of garbage collection. In Vitek and Lea [ISMM10], 2010, pages 103-112. Available here.

[sing11] Jeremy Singer, George Kovoor, Gavin Brown, and Mikel Luján. Garbage collection auto-tuning for Java MapReduce on multi-cores. In Boehm and Bacon [ISMM11], 2011, pages 109-118. Available here.

[sing11a] Jeremy Singer and Richard Jones. Economic theory for memory management optimization. In Rogers [ICOOOLPS11], 2011, pages 182-196. Position paper. Available here.

[sing06] Jeremy Singer and Chris Kirkham. Visualized adaptive runtime subsystems. In ACM Symposium on Software Visualization, pages 195-196, Brighton, UK, 2006. Available here.

[sing06a] Jeremy Singer and Chris C. Kirkham. Dynamic analysis of program concepts in Java. In PPPJ 2006 [PPPJ06], 2006, pages 31-39. Available here.

[sing92a] Jaswinder Pal Singh, Harold S. Stone, and Dominique Thiebaut. A model of workloads and its use in miss-rate prediction for fully-associative caches. IEEE Transactions on Computers, 41(7):811-825, July 1992.

[sing88] Ramanand Singh. A realization of multiprocessing garbage collection algorithm for rule-based expert systems. Master's thesis, West Virginia University, 1988.

[sing90] Tajinder P. Singh. Hardware design of a real-time copying garbage collection system. Master's thesis, Iowa State University, Department of Computer Science, August 1990.

[sing92] Vivek Singhal, Sheetal V. Kakkad, and Paul R. Wilson. Texas: an efficient, portable persistent store. In Albano and Morrison [POS92], 1992, pages 11-33. Available here.

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