The GC bibliography

The bibliography is available in BibTeX format (including abstracts for many entries), or as PDF or in a series of web pages

I would be most grateful to receive additions, corrections and URLs of electronically available papers.

Last updated 15 January 2025.


[ma22] Haoran Ma, Yifan Qiao, Shi Liu, Michael D. Bond, Chenxi Wang, Stephen M. Blackburn, Miryung Kim, and Guoqing Harry Xu. Mako: A low-pause, high-throughput evacuating collector for memory-disaggregated datacenters. In PLDI 2022 [PLDI22], 2022. Available here.

[maas12] Martin Maas, Philip Reames, Jeffrey Morlan, Krste Asanović, Anthony D. Joseph, and John Kubiatowicz. GPUs as an opportunity for offloading garbage collection. In McKinley and Vechev [ISMM12], 2012, pages 25-36. Available here.

[maas15] Martin Maas, Tim Harris, Krste Asanovic, and John Kubiatowicz. Trash day: Coordinating garbage collection in distributed systems. In 15th USENIX Conference on Hot Topics in Operating Systems (HOTOS'15), Switzerland, 2015. USENIX Association.

[maas16] Martin Maas, Krste Asanović, Tim Harris, and John Kubiatowicz. Taurus: A holistic language runtime system for coordinating distributed managed-language applications. In Conte and Zhou [ASPLOS16], 2016, pages 457-471. Available here.

[maas18] Martin Maas, Krste Asanović, and John Kubiatowicz. A hardware accelerator for tracing garbage collection. In ISCA 2018 [ISCA18], 2018. Available here.

[macg21] Ruairidh MacGregor, Phil Trinder, and Hans-Wolfgang Loidl. Improving GHC Haskell NUMA profiling. In Proceedings of the 9th ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Functional High-Performance and Numerical Computing, pages 1-12, Virtual, Republic of Korea, 2021. ACM Press. Available here.

[macl91] Robert A. MacLachlan. A system model of memory management. In Wilson and Hayes [OOPSLA91-gc], 1991. Available here.

[mada92] Peter W. Madany, Nayeem Islam, Panos Kougiouris, and Roy H. Campbell. Reification and reflection in C++: An operating systems perspective. Technical Report UIUCDCS-R-92-1736, Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, March 1992.

[maeb04] Jonas Maebe, Michiel Ronsse, and Koen De Bosschere. The missing leak. In Program Acceleration through Application and Architecture Driven Code Transformations: Symposium Proceedings, pages 75-77, Edegem, Belgium, 2004. Available here.

[maed93] Munenori Maeda, Hiroki Konaka, Yutaka Ishikawa, Takashi Tomokiyo, and Atsushi Hori. An incremental, weighted, cyclic reference counting for object-based languages. RWCP Technical Report P-93-001, Tsukuba Research Center, 1993.

[maed95] Munenori Maeda, Hiroki Konaka, Yutaka Ishikawa, Takashi Tomokiyo, Atsushi Hori, and Jörg Nolte. On-the-fly global garbage collection based on partly mark-sweep. In Baker [IWMM95], 1995, pages 283-296. Available here.

[maed97] Munenori Maeda and Yutaka Ishikawa. GLEANER-7: A hybrid distributed GC algorithm. In Dickman and Wilson [OOPSLA97-gc], 1997. Available here.

[maed06] Toshiyuki Maeda and Akinori Yonezawa. Writing practical memory management code with a strictly typed assembly language. In SPACE 2006 [SPACE06], 2006, pages 35-46. Available here.

[maed92] Roman E. Maeder. A provably correct reference count scheme for a symbolic computation system. In unpublished form, cited by Edelson, 1992.

[maek87] Mamoru Maekawa, Masataka Ohta, and Kentaro Shimizu. Garbage collection for multimedia processing. Technical Report 87-01, University of Tokyo, 1987.

[magil06] Stephen Magill, Aleksandar Nanevski, Edmund Clarke, and Peter Lee. Inferring invariants in separation logic for imperative list-processing programs. In SPACE 2006 [SPACE06], 2006, pages 47-60. Available here.

[magn95] Boris Magnusson and Roger Henriksson. Garbage collection for control systems. In Baker [IWMM95], 1995, pages 323-342. Available here.

[magn95a] Boris Magnusson and Roger Henriksson. Garbage collection for hard real-time systems. Technical Report 95-153, Lund University, Sweden, 1995. Available here.

[mahe61] R.J. Maher. Problems of storage allocation in a multiprocessor multiprogrammed system. Communications of the ACM, 4(10):421-422, October 1961.

[mahe95] Umesh Maheshwari and Barbara Liskov. Collecting cyclic distributed garbage by controlled migration. In PODC 1995 [PODC95], 1995. Later appeared in Distributed Computing, Springer Verlag, 1996. Available here.

[mahe97] Umesh Maheshwari and Barbara Liskov. Collecting cyclic distributed garbage by back tracing. In PODC 1997 [PODC97], 1997, pages 239-248. Available here.

[mahe97a] Umesh Maheshwari and Barbara Liskov. Partitioned garbage collection of a large object store. Technical Report MIT/LCS/TR-699, MIT Press, 1997. This report contains an obsolete proposal. See [mahe97b]. Available here.

[mahe97b] Umesh Maheshwari and Barbara Liskov. Partitioned garbage collection of a large object store. In ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, 1997. Available here.

[mahe92] Umesh Maheshwari. Distributed garbage collection in a client-server transaction system. Master's thesis, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1992.

[mahe93] Umesh Maheshwari. Distributed garbage collection in a client-server persistent object system. In Moss et al. [OOPSLA93-gc], 1993. Available here.

[mahe93a] Umesh Maheshwari. Distributed garbage collection in a client-server, transactional, persistent object system. Master's thesis, MIT Press, February 1993. Available here.

[mahe94] Umesh Maheshwari. Fault-tolerant distributed garbage collection in a client-server object-oriented database. In 3rd International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Information Systems, Austin, September 1994. Available here.

[mahe97c] Umesh Maheshwari. Garbage Collection in a Large, Distributed, Object Store. PhD thesis, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science, September 1997. Technical Report MIT/LCS/TR-727. Available here.

[mail21] Thomas Mailund. Reference Counting Garbage Collection, pages 477-508. Apress, Berkeley, CA, 2021. Available here.

[mais92] Julien Maisonneuve, Marc Shapiro, and Pierre Collet. Implementing references as chains of links. In Cabrera et al. [IWOOOS92], 1992.

[mais96] Julien Maisonneuve. Hobbes: un modèle de liaison de références réparties. PhD thesis, Université Paris 6, Pierre et Marie Curie, October 1996.

[makh01] Henning Makholm and Henning Niss. Towards a more flexible region type system. In SPACE 2001 [SPACE01], 2001. Available here.

[makh00] Henning Makholm. A region-based memory manager for Prolog. In Chambers and Hosking [ISMM2000], 2000, pages 25-34. Available here.

[makp91] Mesaac Makpangou, Yvon Gourhant, Jean-Pierre Le Narzul, and Marc Shapiro. Structuring distributed applications as fragmented objects. Technical Report Rapport de Recherche INRIA 1404, Institut National de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique (INRIA), February 1992.

[malc] D. Malcolm. CPyChecker. Inter alia, checks reference counts.

[manc91] Luigi V. Mancini, Vittoria Rotella, and Simonetta Venosa. Copying garbage collection for distributed object stores. In 10th Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems, Pisa, September 1991.

[manc91a] Luigi V. Mancini and S.K. Shrivastava. Fault-tolerant reference counting for garbage collection in distributed systems. Computer Journal, 34(6):503-513, December 1991.

[mann05] Tobias Mann, Morgan Deters, Rob Legrand, and Ron. K. Cytron. Static determination of allocation rates to support real-time garbage collection. In LCTES 2005 [LCTES05], 2005, pages 193-2002. Available here.

[mans05] Jeremy Manson, William Pugh, and Sarita V. Adve. The Java memory model. In POPL 2005 [POPL05], 2005, pages 378-391. Available here.

[mao09] Feng Mao, Eddy Z. Zhang, and Xipeng Shen. Influence of program inputs on the selection of garbage collectors. In Hosking et al. [VEE09], 2009, pages 91-100. Available here.

[mao16] Junjie Mao, Yu Chen, Qixue Xiao, and Yuanchun Shi. RID: Finding reference count bugs with inconsistent path pair checking. In ASPLOS 2016 [ASPLOS16], 2016, pages 531-544. Available here.

[mara91] L. Maranget. GAML: A parallel implementation of lazy ML. In Hughes [FPCA91], 1991, pages 102-123. Available here.

[marg71] B.H. Margolin, R.P. Parmelee, and M. Schatzoff. Analysis of free-storage algorithms. IBM Systems Journal, 10(4):283-304, 1971.

[mari07] Sebastien Marion, Richard Jones, and Chris Ryder. Decrypting the Java gene pool: Predicting objects' lifetimes with micro-patterns. In Morrisett and Sagiv [ISMM07], 2007, pages 67-78. Available here.

[mari09] Sebastien Marion. Using Class-Level Static Properties to Predict Object Lifetimes. PhD thesis, University of Kent, 2009.

[mark94] Evangelos P. Markatos and Catherine E. Chronaki. The use of reference counters in update based coherent memory. In Halatsis et al. [PARLE94], 1994, pages 805-808. Available here.

[marl07] Simon Marlow, Alexey Rodriguez Yakushev, and Simon Peyton Jones. Faster laziness using dynamic pointer tagging. In ICFP 2007 [ICFP07], 2007, pages 277-288. Available here.

[marl08] Simon Marlow, Tim Harris, Roshan James, and Simon L. Peyton Jones. Parallel generational-copying garbage collection with a block-structured heap. In Jones and Blackburn [ISMM08], 2008, pages 11-20. Available here.

[marl09] Simon Marlow, Simon L. Peyton Jones, and Satnam Singh. Runtime support for multicore Haskell. In ICFP 2009 [ICFP09], 2009, pages 65-78. Available here.

[marl11] Simon Marlow and Simon L. Peyton Jones. Multicore garbage collection with local heaps. In Boehm and Bacon [ISMM11], 2011, pages 21-32. Available here.

[marq90] José Alves Marques, Paulo Guedes, Pedro Sousa, Paulo Ferreira, José Monge, André Zúquete, and Manuel Sequeira. IK implementation report. Technical Report INESC-TR-0013, INESC, Portugal, July 1990. Extended description of system described in [ferr90].

[marq89] José Alves Marques and Paulo Guedes. Extending the operating system to support an object-oriented environment. In OOPSLA 1989 [OOPSLA89], 1989, pages 113-122. Available here.

[marq07] Kevin Marquet and Gilles Grimaud. A DSL approach for object memory management of small devices. In PPPJ 2007 [PPPJ07], 2007, pages 155-164. Available here.

[marq00] A. Marquez, John N. Zigman, and Stephen M Blackburn. Fast portable orthogonally persistent Java. Software: Practice and Experience, 30(4):449-479, 2000.

[marr09] Mark Marron, Deepak Kapur, and Manuel Hermenegildo. Identification of logically related heap regions. In Kolodner and Steele [ISMM09], 2009, pages 89-98. Available here.

[mars71] S. Marshall. An Algol-68 garbage collector. In Peck [algol68], 1971, pages 239-243.

[mart06b] Nicolas Marti, Reynald Affeldt, and Akinori Yonezawa. Formal verification of the heap manager of an operating system using separation logic. In Zhiming Liu and Jifeng He, editors, Formal Methods and Software Engineering, volume 4260 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 400-419, Macao, China, November 2006. Springer. Available here.

[mart06] Nicolas Marti, Reynald Affeldt, and Akinori Yonezawa. Verification of the heap manager of an operating system using separation logic. In SPACE 2006 [SPACE06], 2006, pages 61-72. Available here.

[mart82] Johannes J. Martin. An efficient garbage compaction algorithm. Communications of the ACM, 25(8):571-581, August 1982. Available here.

[mart90] A.D. Martinez, R. Wachenchauzer, and Rafael D. Lins. Cyclic reference counting with local mark-scan. Information Processing Letters, 34:31-35, 1990. Available here.

[masm06] Miguel Masmano, Ismael Ripoll, and Alfons Crespo. A comparison of memory allocators for real-time applications. In 4th International Workshop on Java Technologies for Real-time and Embedded Systems, pages 68-76, 2006.

[mate92] Luis Mateu. Efficient implementation for coroutines. In Bekkers and Cohen [IWMM92], 1992, pages 230-247. Available here.

[mato98] Jeff Matocha and Tracy Camp. A taxonomy of distributed termination detection algorithms. Journal of Systems and Software, 43(3):207-221, November 1998. Available here.

[mats87] Shogo Matsui, Yoshinobu Kato, Shinsuke Teramura, Tomoyuki Tanaka, Nobuyuki Mohri, Atsushi Maeda, and Masakazu Nakanishi. SYNAPSE - a multi-microprocessor Lisp machine with parallel garbage collector. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 269:131-137, 1987.

[mats95] Shogo Matsui, Yoshio Tanaka, Atsushi Maeda, and Masakazu Nakanishi. Complementary garbage collector. In Baker [IWMM95], 1995, pages 163-177. Available here.

[mats91] Satoshi Matsuoka, Shin'ichi Furuso, and Akinori Yonezawa. A fast parallel conservative garbage collector for concurrent object-oriented systems. In Cabrera et al. [IWOOOS91], 1991, pages 87-93. Available here.

[matt87] Friedmann Mattern. Algorithms for distributed termination detection. Distributed Computing, 2:161-175, 1987.

[matt89] Friedmann Mattern. Global quiescence detection based on credit distribution and recovery. Information Processing Letters, 30(4):195-200, 1989.

[matt89a] Friedmann Mattern. Virtual time and global states of distributed systems. In M. Cosnard et al., editors, International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Algorithms, pages 215-226, Amsterdam, 1989. Elsevier Science Publishers.

[matt95] David C.J. Matthews and Thierry Le Sergent. LEMMA: A distributed shared memory with global and local garbage coll ection. In Baker [IWMM95], 1995, pages 297-311. Available here.

[matt70] R.L. Mattson, J. Gecsei, D.R. Slutz, and I.L. Traiger. Evaluation techniques for storage hierarchies. IBM Systems Journal, 9:78-117, 1970.

[mazd16] Md Mazder Rahman, Konstantin Nasartschuk, Kenneth B. Kent, and Gerhard W. Dueck. Trace files for automatic memory management systems. In 23rd International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering (SANER). IEEE Press, March 2016. Available here.

[mazu00] Nancy Mazur, Gerda Janssens, and Maurice Bruynooghe. A module based analysis for memory reuse in Mercury. In Computational Logic, volume 1861 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 1255-1269. Springer-Verlag, 2000. Available here.

[mazu01] Nancy Mazur, Peter Ross, Gerda Janssens, and Maurice Bruynooghe. Practical aspects for a working compile time garbage collection system for Mercury. In International Conference on Logic Programming, pages 105-119, 2001. Available here.

[mazu02] Nancy Mazur. Practical structure reuse for Mercury. In SPACE 2001 [SPACE01], 2001. Available here.

[mcbe63] J. Harold McBeth. On the reference counter method. Communications of the ACM, 6(9):575, September 1963.

[mcca59] John McCarthy and Marvin Minsky. Artificial intelligence, quarterly progress report no. 53. Technical report, Research Laboratory of Electronics at MIT, April 1959.

[mcca62] John McCarthy et al.. Lisp 1.5 Programmer's Manual, 1962.

[mcca60] John McCarthy. Recursive functions of symbolic expressions and their computation by machine, Part I. Communications of the ACM, 3(4):184-195, April 1960. Available here.

[mcca78] John McCarthy. History of LISP. In Richard L. Wexelblat, editor, History of Programming Languages I, pages 173-185. ACM Press, 1978. Available here.

[mccl08] Bill McCloskey, David F. Bacon, Perry Cheng, and David Grove. Staccato: A parallel and concurrent real-time compacting garbage collector for multiprocessors. IBM Research Report RC24505, IBM Research, 2008. Available here.

[mccr07] Andrew McCreight, Zhong Shao, Chunxiao Lin, and Long Li. A general framework for certifying garbage collectors and their mutators. In Ferrante and McKinley [PLDI07], 2007, pages 468-479. Available here.

[mccr10] Andrew McCreight, Tim Chevalier, and Andrew Tolmach. A certified framework for compiling and executing garbage-collected languages. In ICFP 2010 [ICFP10], 2010, pages 273-284. Available here.

[mccr08] Andrew McCreight. The Mechanized Verification of Garbage Collector Implementations. PhD thesis, Yale University, New Have, 2008.

[mccu83] P.L. McCullough. Implementing the Smalltalk-80 system: the Tektronix experience. In Krasner [Smalltalk-BHWA], 1983, pages 59-78.

[mcdo98] Charles E. McDowell. Reducing garbage in Java. ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 33(9):84-86, September 1998. Available here.

[mcen87] T.J. McEntee. Overview of garbage collection in symbolic computing. LISP Pointers, 1(3):8-16, August-September 1987.

[mcga08] Phil McGachey, Ali-Reza Adl-Tabatabi, Richard L. Hudson, Vijay Menon, Bratin Saha, and Tatiana Shpeisman. Concurrent GC leveraging transactional memory. In PPOPP 2008 [PPoPP08], 2008, pages 217-226. Available here.

[mcga06] Phil McGachey and Antony L Hosking. Reducing generational copy reserve overhead with fallback compaction. In Petrank and Moss [ISMM06], 2006, pages 17-28. Available here.

[mcga95] Mike McGaughey. Bounded-space tagless garbage collection for first order polymorphic languages. In 18th Australian Computer Science Conference (ACSC), Australian Computer Science Communications 17(1), pages 380-388, Glenelg, South Australia, January 1995. Also appears as: Technical report 94/208, Department of Computer Science, Monash University.

[mcil08] Ross McIlroy, Peter Dickman, and Joe Sventek. Efficient dynamic heap allocation of scratch-pad memory. In Jones and Blackburn [ISMM08], 2008, pages 31-40. Available here.

[mcil10] Ross McIlroy and Joe Sventek. Hera-JVM: a runtime system for heterogeneous multi-core architectures. In OOPSLA 2010 [OOPSLA10], 2010, pages 205-222. Available here.

[mcil76] M. Douglas McIlroy. Mass-produced software components. In J.M. Buxton, Peter Naur, and Brian Randell, editors, Software Engineering Concepts and Techniques (1968 NATO Conference of Software Engineering), pages 88-98, 1976.

[mcil82] M. Douglas McIlroy. The number of states of a dynamic storage allocation system. Computer Journal, 25(3):388-392, August 1982.

[mciv94] William J. McIver and Roger King. Self-adaptive, on-line reclustering of complex object data. In SIGMOD94, pages 407-418, 1994.

[mcke93] Paul E. McKenney and Jack Slingwine. Efficient kernel memory allocation on shared-memory multiprocessors. In USENIX Winter Technical Conference, pages 295-306, San Diego, CA, January 1993. USENIX Association.

[mcke98] Paul E. McKenney and Jack Slingwine. Read-copy update: Using execution history to solve concurrency problems. In 10th IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems. IEEE Computer Society, October 1998.

[mcku88] Marshall K. McKusick and Michael J. Karels. Design of a general-purpose memory allocator for the 4.3BSD UNIX kernel. In Summer USENIX Conference. USENIX Association, June 1988.

[mcna91] D.J. McNally and Anthony J.T. Davie. 2 models for integrating persistence and lazy functional languages. ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 26(5):43-52, 1991.

[meaw11] Fadi Meawad, Ryan Macnak, and Jan Vitek. Collecting transactional garbage. In TRANSACT 2011 [TRANSACT11], 2011. Available here.

[meir85] Silvio R. de L. Meira. On the Efficiency of Applicative Algorithms. PhD thesis, Computing Laboratory, The University of Kent at Canterbury, March 1985.

[mell80] C.S. Mellish. An alternative to structure-sharing in the implementation of a Prolog interpreter. In Workshop on Logic Programming, Debrecen, Hungary, 1980.

[melo99] Steve Meloan. The Java Hotspot Performance Engine: An In-Depth Look, 1999.

[mend93] Abraham Mendelson, Dominique Thiebaut, and Dhiraj K. Pradhan. Modeling live and dead lines in cache memory systems. IEEE Transactions on Computers, 42(1):1-14, January 1993.

[mene97] Ronaldo Menezes and Alan Wood. Garbage collection in open distributed tuple space systems. In 15th Brazilian Computer Networks Symposium - SBRC '97, pages 525-543, May 1997. Available here.

[mene98b] Ronaldo Menezes and Alan Wood. Ligia: A Java based Linda-like run-time system with garbage collection of tuple spaces. Technical Report YCS 304 (1998), University of York, 1998. Available here.

[mene98a] Ronaldo Menezes and Alan Wood. Using tuple monitoring and process registration on the implementation of garbage collection in open Linda-like systems. In 10th IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing System (PDCS), pages 490-495, Las Vegas, October 1998. ASTED/Acta Press.

[mene98] Ronaldo Menezes. Ligia: Incorporating garbage collection in a Java based Linda-like run-time system. In 2nd Workshop on Distributed Systems (WOSID), pages 81-88, Curitiba, Parana, Brazil, 1998. Available here.

[merr92] Simon C. Merrall and Julian A. Padget. Collections and garbage collection. In Bekkers and Cohen [IWMM92], 1992, pages 473-489. Available here.

[mery95] Dominique Méry. Refining solutions of the on the fly garbage collection from formal specifications. Technical report, Université henri Poincaré, November 1995.

[metr80] N. Metropolis, J. Howlett, and Gian-Carlo Rota, editors. A History of Computing in the Twentieth Century. Academic Press, 1980.

[meye12] Bertrand Meyer, Alexander Kogtenkov, and Anton Akhi. Processors and their collection. In Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Multicore Software Engineering, Performance and Tools, MSEPT'12, pages 1-15, Prague, Czech Republic, 2012. Springer-Verlag. Available here.

[meye88] Bertrand Meyer. Object-oriented Software Construction. Prentice-Hall, 1988.

[meye96] Bertrand Meyer. The ISE Eiffel garbage collection mechanism: An overview. Technical report, ISE Inc., February 1996. Available here.

[meye03] Matthias Meyer. A novel processor architecture with exact tag-free pointers. In 2nd Workshop on Application Specific Processors, pages 96-103, San Diego, CA, 2003. Available here.

[meye04] Matthias Meyer. A novel processor architecture with exact tag-free pointers. IEEE Micro, 24(3):46-55, May-June 2004. Available here.

[meye05] Matthias Meyer. An on-chip garbage collection coprocessor for embedded real-time systems. In 11th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications, pages 517-524, Hong Kong, China, August 2005. Available here.

[meye06] Matthias Meyer. A true hardware read barrier. In Petrank and Moss [ISMM06], 2006, pages 3-16. Available here.

[meye83] R. Meyers and D. Casseres. An MC68000-based Smalltalk-80 system. In Krasner [Smalltalk-BHWA], 1983, pages 175-188.

[mich95] Maged M. Michael and M.L. Scott. Correction of a memory management method for lock-free data structures. Technical Report UR CSD / TR59, University of Rochester, December 1995. Available here.

[mich02] Maged M. Michael. Safe memory reclamation for dynamic lock-free objects using atomic reads and writes. Research Report RC22317, IBM Corp., Thomas J Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY, January 2002. Available here.

[mich02a] Maged M. Michael. Safe memory reclamation for dynamic lock-free objects using atomic reads and writes. In The 21st Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC), pages 21-30, July 2002. Available here.

[mich04a] Maged M. Michael. Hazard pointers: Safe memory reclamation for lock-free objects. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 15(6):491-504, June 2004. Available here.

[mich04] Maged M. Michael. Scalable lock-free dynamic memory allocation. In Pugh and Chambers [PLDI04], 2004, pages 35-46. Available here.

[RNI97] Raw Native Interface, 1997. Microsoft's Raw Native Interface for Java.

[migh07] Matthew Might, Benjamin Chambers, and Olin Shivers. Model checking via GammaCFA.In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation (VMCAI'07), pages 59-–73, Nice, France, January 2007. Available here.

[miha19] Branko Mihaljević, Matija Sipek, and Paula Pufek.On the aspects of polyglot programming and memory management in a VM - GraalVM and contemporary GCs. In 6th International Community Java Conference in Croatia (Javantura v6), Zagreb, Croatia, 2019.

[mija04] Ivana Mijajlovic and Noah Torp-Smith. Refinement in separation context. In SPACE 2004 [SPACE04], 2004.

[mikh01] V.V. Mikheev and S.A. Fedoseev. Compiler-cooperative memory management in Java. In Perspectives of System Informatics, 4th International Andrei Ershov Memorial Conference, volume 2244 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Novosibirsk, Russia, 2001. Springer-Verlag. Available here.

[mill90] James S. Miller and B. Epstein. Garbage collection in MultiScheme. In US/Japan Workshop on Parallel Lisp, volume 441 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 138-160. Springer-Verlag, June 1990.

[mill94] James S. Miller and Guillermo J. Rozas. Garbage collection is fast, but a stack is faster. Technical Report AIM-1462, MIT AI Laboratory, March 1994. Available here.

[mill87] James S. Miller. MultiScheme: A Parallel Processing System Based on MIT Scheme. PhD thesis, MIT Press, 1987. Also Technical Report MIT/LCS/402.

[mill88a] B.P. Miller. The frequency of dynamic pointer references in C programs. Technical Report TR 759, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1988.

[mill96] Justin Miller. Clean up: C++ garbage collection. BYTE, pages 157-158, January 1996.

[stro98] Michelle Mills Strout, Larry Carter, Jeanne Ferrante, and Beth Simon. Schedule-independent storage mapping for loops. In ASPLOS 1998 [ASPLOS98], 1998, pages 24-33. Available here.

[miln90] Robin Milner, Mads Tofte, and Robert Harper. The Definition of Standard ML. MIT Press, 1990.

[mins63] Marvin L. Minsky. A Lisp garbage collector algorithm using serial secondary storage. Technical Report Memo 58 (rev.), Project MAC, MIT, Cambridge, MA, December 1963.

[mira15] Eliot Miranda and Clément Béra. A partial read barrier for efficient support of live object-oriented programming. In Bond and Hosking [ISMM15], 2015, pages 93-104. Available here.

[mira77] Eliot E. Miranda. Brouhaha - a portable Smalltalk interpreter. ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 22(12):354-365, 1977.

[mira87] Eliot Miranda. BrouHaHa - a portable Smalltalk interpreter. In OOPSLA 1987 [OOPSLA87], 1987, pages 354-365. Available here.

[misr82] Jayadev Misra and K.M. Chandy. Termination detection of diffusing computations in communicating sequential processes. ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, 4(1):37-43, January 1982.

[misr86] Jayadev Misra. Axioms for memory access in asynchronous hardware systems. ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, 8(1):142-153, January 1986.

[mitc09] Nick Mitchell, Edith Schonberg, and Gary Sevitsky. Making sense of large heaps. In Drossopoulou [ECOOP09], 2009. Available here.

[mitc03] Nick Mitchell and Gary Sevitsky. LeakBot: An automated and lightweight tool for diagnosing memory leaks in large java applications. In Cardelli [ECOOP03], 2003, pages 351-377. Available here.

[mitt86] S. Mittal, Daniel Bobrow, and K. Kahn. Virtual copies: At the boundary between classes and instances. In OOPSLA 1986 [OOPSLA86], 1986, pages 159-166. Available here.

[miya87] Nobuhito Miyauchi, A. Matsumoto, Y. Kimura, and A. Goto. Multiple reference management by MRB - GC characteristics on KL1 emulator. In 35th Meeting of Information Processing Society, September 1987. In Japanese.

[miya89] Nobuhito Miyauchi, Yasuharu Kawada, and Katsuto Nakajima. Tracing garbage collection for KL1 on the Multi-PSI/V2 system. ICOT technical report TR-469, Institute for New Generation Computer Technology, March 1989.

[mo21] Man Yue Mo. Chrome in-the-wild bug analysis: CVE-2021-37975, October 2021. Available here.

[morg14] Torben Ægidius Mogensen.Reference counting for reversible languages. In Shigeru Yamashita and Shin-ichi Minato, editors, Reversible Computation, volume 8507 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 82-94. Springer International Publishing, 2014. Available here.

[mogu91] Jeffrey C. Mogul and Anita Borg. The effect of context switches on cache performance. In ASPLOS 1991 [ASPLOS91], 1991, pages 75-84. Available here.

[moha86] Kharyi A. Mohamed-Ali and Seif Haridi. Global garbage collection for distributed heap storage-systems. International Journal Of Parallel Programming, 15(5):339-387, 1986.

[moha84] Khayri A. Mohamed-Ali. Object Oriented Storage Management and Garbage Collection in Distributed Processing Systems. PhD thesis, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, December 1984.

[moha89] Kharyi A. Mohamed-Ali. Garbage collection for Or-parallel Prolog based on WAM. In Gigalips Workshop, Stockholm, April 1989. SICS.

[mohn95] Markus Mohnen. Efficient compile-time garbage collection for arbitrary data structures. Technical Report 95-08, University of Aachen, May 1995. Also in 7th International Symposium on Programming Languages, Implementations, Logics and Programs, PLILP95. Available here.

[mohn95a] Markus Mohnen. Efficient compile-time garbage collection for arbitrary data structures. In 7th International Symposium on Programming Languages, Implementations, Logics and Programs (PLILP), pages 241-258, 1995. Also see [mohn95].

[moin23] Alexandre Moine, Arthur Charguéraud, and François Pottier. A high-level separation logic for heap space under garbage collection. In POPL 2023 [POPL23], 2023.

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