The GC bibliography

The bibliography is available in BibTeX format (including abstracts for many entries), or as PDF or in a series of web pages

I would be most grateful to receive additions, corrections and URLs of electronically available papers.

Last updated 15 January 2025.


[daco93] Michael C. Daconta. C Pointers and Dynamic Memory Management. QED Publishing, 1993.

[daco95] Michael C. Daconta. C++ Pointers and Dynamic Memory Management. Wiley, 1995.

[dahl66] O.J. Dahl and K. Nygaard. Simula - an Algol-based simulation language. Communications of the ACM, 9:671-678, 1966.

[dahl63] O.J. Dahl. The SIMULA storage allocation scheme. NCC Document 62, Norsk Regnesentral, November 1963.

[danv86b] Olivier Danvy and Danielle Jean. Langage d'impleémentation pour langages applicatifs: Contribution á l'Étude d'une réalisation informatique. Technical Report 86-23, LITP, France, January 1986. Also Bigre+Globule 48, 3e journées d'étude sur les Langages Orientés Objet.

[danv86a] Olivier Danvy. Agir avec LILA: le manuel de référence. Technical Report 86-40, LITP, France, May 1986.

[danv86] Olivier Danvy. LILA: a virtual machine for functional and declarative languages. Technical Report 86-38, LITP, France, May 1986. Workshop on Future Directions in Computer Science and Software.

[danv87] Olivier Danvy. Memory allocation and higher-order functions. ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 22(7):241-252, June 1987.

[das99] S. Das, D.L. Dill, and S. Park. Experience with predicate abstraction. In International Conference on Computer Aided Verification (CAV), volume 1633 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 160-–171, Trento, Italy, July 1999. Springer-Verlag. Available here.

[dash20] Mohammad Dashti and Alexandra Fedorova. Trash talk: Accelerating garbage collection on integrated GPUs is worthless., December 2020.

[dau98] C.H. Daugherty and J. Morris Chang. Common list method: A simple, efficient allocator implementation. In 6th Annual High-Performance Computing Symposium, pages 180-185, Boston, MA, April 1998.

[davi84] D. Julian M. Davies. Memory occupancy patterns in garbage collection systems. Communications of the ACM, 27(8):819-825, August 1984.

[davi12] Matthew Davis, Harald Sondergaard, Peter Schachte, and Zoltan Somogyi. Towards region based memory management for Go. In Mutlu and Zhang [MSPC12], 2012, pages 58-67. Available here.

[davi13] Matthew Davis, Peter Schachte, Zoltan Somogyi, and Harald Sø}ndergaard.A low overhead method for recovering unused memory inside regions. In MSPC 2013 [MSPC13], 2013. Available here.

[daws82] Jeffrey L. Dawson. Improved effectiveness from a real-time LISP garbage collector. In LFP 1982 [LFP82], 1982, pages 159-167. Available here.

[day94] Mark Day, Barbara Liskov, Umesh Maheshwari, and Andrew C. Myers. References to remote mobile objects in Thor. ACM Letters on Programming Languages and Systems, 2(1-4):115-126, March 1994. Available here.

[day83] J.D. Day and H. Zimmermann. The OSI Reference Model. Proceedings of the IEEE, 71:1334-1340, December 1983. Available here.

[dayl04] Edgar G. Daylight, Bart Demoen, and Francky Catthor. Formally specifying dynamic data structures for embedded software design: An initial approach. In SPACE 2004 [SPACE04], 2004.

[dayn97] Laurent Daynès and Malcolm P. Atkinson. Main-memory management to support orthogonal persistence for Java. In 2nd International Workshop on Persistence and Java (PJW2), Half Moon Bay, CA, August 1997. Available here.

[form07] Andrei de Araújo Formiga and Rafael D. Lins. A new architecture for concurrent lazy cyclic reference counting on multi-processor systems. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 13(6), 2007.

[boer92] F.S. de Boer and J.W. Klop. Asynchronous communication in process algebra: Extended abstract. Technical Report CS-R9206, Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, January 1992.

[pauw93] W. de Pauw, R. Helm, D. Kimelman, and J. Vlissides. Visualizing the behaviour of object-oriented systems. In OOPSLA 1993 [OOPSLA93], 1993, pages 326-337. Available here.

[pauw97] W. de Pauw, D. Kimelman, and J. Vlissides. Visualizing object-oriented software execution. In John T. Stasko, John B. Domingue, Marc H. Brown, and Blaine A. Price, editors, Software Visualization. MIT Press, 1997. Available here.

[pauw01] W. de Pauw, N. Mitchell, M. Robillard, G. Sevitski, and H. Srinivasan. Drive-by analysis of running programs. In Workshop on Software Visualization, International Conference on Software Engineering, Toronto, May 2001. Available here.

[pauw99] W. de Pauw and G. Sevitski. Visualizing reference patterns for solving memory leaks in Java. In Guerraoui [ECOOP99], 1999, pages 116-134. Available here.

[pauw00] W. de Pauw and G. Sevitski. Visualizing reference patterns for solving memory leaks in Java. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 12:1431-1454, 2000. Available here.

[dear92] Alan Dearle, Rex di Bona, James Farrow, Frans Henskens, Anders Lindstrom, John Rosenberg, and Francis Vaughan. Grasshopper - a persistent operating system for conventional hardware. In Cabrera et al. [IWOOOS92], 1992, pages 81-85.

[dear92a] Alan Dearle et al.. An examination of operating system support for persistent object system s. In 25th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences, vol. 1, pages 779-789, 1992.

[deb84] Ashoke Deb. An efficient garbage collector for graph machines. Technical Report CS/E-84-003, Oregon Graduate Center, 1984.

[deb87] Ashoke Deb. Parallel garbage collection in a parallel virtual memory environment. In J.H. Fasel and R.M. Keller, editors, Graph Reduction: Proceedings of a Workshop at Santa Fe, New Mexico, volume 279 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 252-264, New York, NY, 1987. Springer-Verlag.

[dege16] Ulan Degenbaev, Jochen Eisinger, Manfred Ernst, Ross McIlroy, and Hannes Payer. Idle time garbage collection scheduling. In PLDI 2016 [PLDI16], 2016, pages 570-583. Available here.

[dege18] Ulan Degenbaev, Jochen Eisinger, Kentaro Hara, Marcel Hlopko, Michael Lippautz, and Hannes Payer. Cross-component garbage collection. In OOPSLA 2018 [OOPSLA18], 2018. Available here.

[dege19] Ulan Degenbaev, Michael Lippautz, and Hannes Payer. Concurrent marking of shape-changing objects. In Xu and Singer [ISMM19], 2019, pages 89-102. Available here.

[dela92] V. Delacour. Allocation regions and implementation contracts. In Bekkers and Cohen [IWMM92], 1992, pages 426-439. Available here.

[dell80] C.N.R. Dellar. Removing backing store administration from the CAP operating system. ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review, 14(4):41-49, 1980.

[deme90] Alan Demers, Mark Weiser, Barry Hayes, Hans Boehm, Daniel G. Bobrow, and Scott Shenker. Combining generational and conservative garbage collection: Framework and implementations. In POPL 1990 [POPL90], 1990, pages 261-269. Available here.

[demo96] Bart Demoen, Geert Engels, and Paul Tarau. Segment preserving copying garbage collection for WAM-based Prolog. In Jim Hightower, editor, ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Philadelphia, February 1996. ACM Press. Programming languages track.

[demo02a] Bart Demoen, Phuong-Lan Nguyen, and Ruben Vandeginste. Copying garbage collection for the WAM: To mark or not to mark?. In Stuckey [ICLP02], 2002. Available here.

[demo98] Bart Demoen and Konstantinos Sagonas. Memory management for Prolog with tabling. In Peyton~Jones and Jones [ISMM98], 1998, pages 97-106. Available here.

[demo02] Bart Demoen. A different look at garbage collection for the WAM. In Stuckey [ICLP02], 2002. Available here.

[denn72] P.J. Denning and Scwartz. Properties of the working-set model. Communications of the ACM, 15(3):191-198, March 1972.

[denn68a] P.J. Denning. Thrashing: Its causes and prevention. In AFIPS 1968 Fall Joint Computer Conference, volume 33, pages 915-922, June 1968.

[denn68] P.J. Denning. The working set model for program behaviour. Communications of the ACM, 11:323-333, 1968.

[denn70] P.J. Denning. Virtual memory. ACM Computing Surveys, 2(3):153-190, September 1970.

[denn80] Peter Denning. Working sets past and present. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, SE-6(1):64-84, January 1980.

[derb87] Margaret H. Derbyshire. Garbage collection on the IRM: Report number 6. Departmental Research Report FS/MU/MHD/004-87, University of Manchester, Department of Computer Science, 1987.

[derb90] Margaret H. Derbyshire. Mark scan garbage collection on a distributed architecture. Lisp and Symbolic Computation, 3(2):135 - 170, April 1990.

[ders80] N. Dershowitz. The Schorr-Waite marking algorithm revisited. Information Processing Letters, 11(3):141-143, November 1980.

[dete04] Morgan Deters, Nicholas A. Leidenfrost, M Matthew P. Hampton, James C. Brodman, and Ron Cytron. Automated reference-counted object recycling for real-time Java. In 10th Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS), pages 424-433. IEEE Press, 2004. Available here.

[dete02] Morgan Deters and Ron Cytron. Automated discovery of scoped memory regions for real-time Java. In Boehm and Detlefs [ISMM02], 2002, pages 25-35. Available here.

[detl93] David L. Detlefs, Al Dosser, and Benjamin Zorn. Memory allocation costs in large C and C++ programs. Computer Science Technical Report CU-CS-665-93, Digital Equipment Corporation and University of Colorado, 130 Lytton Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94301 and Campus Box 430, Boulder, CO 80309, August 1993. Available here.

[detl94] David Detlefs, Al Dosser, and Benjamin Zorn. Memory allocation costs in large C and C++ programs. Software: Practice and Experience, 24(6), 1994.

[detl01] David L. Detlefs, Paul A. Martin, Mark Moir, and Guy L. Steele. Lock-free reference counting. In PODC 2001 [PODC01], 2001, pages 190-199. Available here.

[detl02] David Detlefs, William D. Clinger, Matthias Jacob, and Ross Knippel. Concurrent remembered set refinement in generational garbage collection. In JVM 2002 [JVM02], 2002. Available here.

[detl02a] David L. Detlefs, Paul A. Martin, Mark Moir, and Guy L. Steele. Lock-free reference counting. Distributed Computing, 15:255-271, 2002. Available here.

[detl04a] David Detlefs, Christine Flood, Steven Heller, and Tony Printezis. Garbage-First garbage collection. In Bacon and Diwan [ISMM04], 2004, pages 37-48. Available here.

[detl95] Dave Detlefs and Bill Kalsow. Debugging storage management problems in garbage-collected environments. In USENIX Conference on Object-Oriented Technologies. USENIX Association, June 1995. Available here.

[detl90a] David L. Detlefs. Concurrent, atomic garbage collection. In Jul and Juul [OOPSLA90-gc], 1990. Available here.

[detl90] David L. Detlefs. Concurrent garbage collection for C++. Technical Report CMU-CS-90-119, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, May 1990. Available here.

[detl91] David L. Detlefs. Concurrent, Atomic Garbage Collection. PhD thesis, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, 15213, November 1991.

[detl91a] David L. Detlefs. Concurrent garbage collection for C++. In Peter Lee, editor, Topics in Advanced Language Implementation. MIT Press, 1991.

[detl92] David L. Detlefs. Garbage collection and runtime typing as a C++ library. In USENIX C++ Conference, Portland, OR, August 1992. USENIX Association.

[detl93a] David L. Detlefs. Empirical evidence for using garbage collection in C and C++ programs. In Moss et al. [OOPSLA93-gc], 1993. Available here.

[detl04] David Detlefs. Automatic inference of reference-count invariants. In SPACE 2004 [SPACE04], 2004. Available here.

[detl04b] David Detlefs. A hard look at hard real-time garbage collection. In ISORC 2004 [ISORC04], 2004, pages 23-32. Invited paper. Available here.

[detr90] John DeTreville. Experience with concurrent garbage collectors for Modula-2+. Technical Report 64, DEC Systems Research Center, Palo Alto, CA, August 1990. Available here.

[detr90b] John DeTreville. Experience with garbage collection for Modula-2+ in the Topaz environment. In Jul and Juul [OOPSLA90-gc], 1990. Available here.

[detr90a] John DeTreville. Heap usage in the Topaz environment. Technical Report 63, DEC Systems Research Center, Palo Alto, CA, August 1990.

[deut76] L. Peter Deutsch and Daniel G. Bobrow. An efficient incremental automatic garbage collector. Communications of the ACM, 19(9):522-526, September 1976. Available here.

[deut84] Peter L. Deutsch and A.M. Schiffman. Efficient implementation of the Smalltalk-80 system. In POPL 1984 [POPL84], 1984, pages 297-302. Available here.

[deut73] L. Peter Deutsch. A LISP machine with very compact programs. In International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pages 697-703, Stanford, CA, 1973.

[deut83] L. Peter Deutsch. The Dorado Smalltalk-80 implementation: Hardware architecture's impact on software architecture. In Krasner [Smalltalk-BHWA], 1983, pages 113-125.

[deut90] A. Deutsch. On determining lifetime and aliasing of dynamically allocated data in higher-order functional specifications. In POPL 1990 [POPL90], 1990, pages 157 - 168. Available here.

[deut94] Alain Deutsch. Interprocedural may-alias analysis for pointers: Beyond k-limiting. In PLDI 1994 [PLDI94], 1994, pages 230-241. Available here.

[dewa82] Robert B.K. Dewar, Micha Sharir, and Elia Weixelbaum. Transformational derivation of a garbage collection algorithm. ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, 4(4):650-667, October 1982.

[dewa77] Robert B.K. Dewar and A.P. McCann. MACRO SPITBOL - a SNOBOL4 compiler. Software: Practice and Experience, 7(1):95-113, 1977.

[dhur03] Dinakar Dhurjati, Sumant Kowshik, Vikram Adve, and Chris Lattner. Memory safety without runtime checks or garbage collection. In LCTES 2003 [LCTES03], 2003, pages 69-80. Available here.

[sant81] M. di Santo, L. Nigro, and W. Russo. On the efficient implementation of retention block-structured languages. Int. J. Comput. Inf. Sci, 10(1):39-54, February 1981.

[diaz94] Manuel Díaz, E. Pimentel, and José M. Troya. DROL: a distributed and real-time object-oriented logic environment. Computer Journal, 37:407-421, 1994.

[diaz97] Manuel Díaz, Bartolomé Rubio, and José M. Troya. DRL: a distributed real-time logic language. Journal of Computing Languages, special issue on Extensions of Logic Programming, 1997.

[dice02] Dave Dice and Alex Garthwaite. Mostly lock-free malloc. In Boehm and Detlefs [ISMM02], 2002, pages 163-174. Available here.

[dick91] Peter Dickman. Effective load balancing in a distributed object-support operating system. In Cabrera et al. [IWOOOS91], 1991.

[dick92] Peter Dickman. Distributed Object Management in a Non-Small Graph of Autonomous Networ ks With Few Failures. PhD thesis, University of Cambridge, September 1992.

[dick92b] Peter Dickman. Optimising weighted reference counts for scalable fault-tolerant distributed object-support systems. Unpublished note, 1992.

[dick96a] Peter Dickman. Efficient, incremental, distributed orphan detection and actor garbage collection. In preparation, 1996.

[dick96] Peter Dickman. Incremental, distributed orphan detection and actor garbage collection using graph partitioning and Euler cycles. In Babaoglu and Marzullo [WDAG96], 1996, pages 141-158. Available here.

[dick00] Peter Dickman. Diffusion tree redirection for indirect reference counting. In Chambers and Hosking [ISMM2000], 2000, pages 167-177. Available here.

[diec99] Sylvia Dieckmann and Urs Hölzle. A study of the allocation behavior of the SPECjvm98 Java benchmarks. In Guerraoui [ECOOP99], 1999, pages 92-115. Available here.

[diec01] Sylvia Dieckmann and Urs Hölzle. The allocation behaviour of the SPECjvm98 Java benchmarks. In Rudolf Eigenman, editor, Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking with Realistic Applications, chapter 3, pages 77-108. MIT Press, 2001.

[dijk76b] Edsger W. Dijkstra, Leslie Lamport, A.J. Martin, C.S. Scholten, and E.F.M. Steffens. On-the-fly garbage collection: An exercise in cooperation. In Language Hierarchies and Interfaces: International Summer School, volume 46 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 43-56. Springer-Verlag, Marktoberdorf, Germany, 1976. Available here.

[dijk78] Edsger W. Dijkstra, Leslie Lamport, A.J. Martin, C.S. Scholten, and E.F.M. Steffens. On-the-fly garbage collection: An exercise in cooperation. Communications of the ACM, 21(11):965-975, November 1978. Available here.

[dijk80] Edsger W. Dijkstra and C.S. Scholten. Termination detection for diffusing computations. Information Processing Letters, 11:1-4, August 1980.

[dijk75] Edsger W. Dijkstra. Notes on a real-time garbage collection system. From a conversation with D.E. Knuth (private collection of D.E. Knuth), 1975.

[dijk76a] Edsger W. Dijkstra. A Discipline of Programming. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1976.

[dill08] Isil Dillig, Thomas Dillig, Eran Yahav, and Satish Chandra. The CLOSER: Automating resource management in Java. In Jones and Blackburn [ISMM08], 2008, pages 1-10. Available here.

[dimp00] Robert Dimpsey, Rajiv Arora, and Kean Kuiper. Java server performance: A case study of building efficient, scalable JVMs. IBM Systems Journal, 39(1):151-174, 2000. Available here.

[ding05] Chen Ding, Chengliang Zhang, Xipeng Shen, and Mitsunori Ogihara. Gated memory control for memory monitoring, leak detection and garbage collection. In Calder and Zorn [MSP05], 2005, pages 62-67. Available here.

[ding99] Chen Ding and Ken Kennedy. Improving cache performance of dynamic applications through data and computation reorganization at run time. In PLDI 1999 [PLDI99], 1999, pages 229-241. Available here.

[ding02] Yuping Ding and Xining Li. Cache performance of chronological garbage collection. In IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, 1998, 2002. Available here.

[diwa92] Amer Diwan, J. Eliot B. Moss, and Richard L. Hudson. Compiler support for garbage collection in a statically typed language. In PLDI 1992 [PLDI92], 1992, pages 273-282. Available here.

[diwa93] Amer Diwan, David Tarditi, and J. Eliot B. Moss. Memory subsystem performance of programs with intensive heap allocation. Technical Report CMU-CS-93-227, Carnegie Mellon University, December 1993. Also appears as Fox Memorandum CMU-CS-FOX-93-07. Available here.

[diwa94] Amer Diwan, David Tarditi, and J. Eliot B. Moss. Memory subsystem performance of programs using copying garbage collection. In POPL 1994 [POPL94], 1994, pages 1-14. Available here.

[diwa95] Amer Diwan, David Tarditi, and J. Eliot B. Moss. Memory subsystem performance of programs with intensive heap allocation. ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, 13(4):244-273, August 1995.

[diwa02] Amer Diwan, Han Lee, Dirk Grunwald, and Keith Farkas. Energy consumption and garbage collection in low-powered computing. Technical Report CU-CS-930-02, University of Colorado, Boulder, 2002.

[diwa91] Amer Diwan. Stack tracing in a statically typed language. In Wilson and Hayes [OOPSLA91-gc], 1991. Available here.

[DLS10] William D. Clinger, editor. 6th ACM SIGPLAN International Symposium on on Dynamic Languages, Reno, NV, October 2010.

[DLS11] 7th ACM SIGPLAN International Symposium on on Dynamic Languages, Portland, OR, 2011. ACM Press.

[DLS14] 10th ACM SIGPLAN International Symposium on on Dynamic Languages, Portland, OR, 2014. ACM Press.

[DLS17] 13th ACM SIGPLAN International Symposium on on Dynamic Languages, Vancouver, Canada, 2017. ACM Press.

[dohe04] Simon Doherty, David L. Detlefs, Lindsay Groves, Christine H. Flood, Victor Luchangco, Paul A. Martin, Mark Moir, Nir Shavit, and Guy L. Steele, Jr. DCAS is not a silver bullet for nonblocking algorithm design. In 16th Annual ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures, pages 216-224, Barcelona, Spain, 2004. Available here.

[dolb98] Julian Dolby and Andrew A. Chien. An evaluation of automatic object inline allocation techniques. In OOPSLA 1998 [OOPSLA98], 1998, pages 1-20. Available here.

[dolb00] Julian Dolby and Andrew A. Chien. An automatic object inlining optimization and its evaluation. In PLDI 2000 [PLDI00], 2000, pages 345-357. Available here.

[dolb97] Julian Dolby. Automatic inline allocation of objects. In PLDI 1997 [PLDI97], 1997, pages 7-17. Available here.

[doli94] Damien Doligez and Georges Gonthier. Portable, unobtrusive garbage collection for multiprocessor systems. In POPL 1994 [POPL94], 1994, pages 70-83. Available here.

[doli93] Damien Doligez and Xavier Leroy. A concurrent generational garbage collector for a multi-threaded implementation of ML. In POPL 1993 [POPL93], 1993, pages 113-123. Available here.

[dols04] Eelco Dolstra, Eelco Visser, and Meijn de Jonge. Imposing a memory management discipline on software deployment. In ICSE 2004 [ICSE04], 2004.

[doma00a] Tamar Domani, Elliot Kolodner, and Erez Petrank. A generational on-the-fly garbage collector for Java. Technical Report 88.385, IBM Haifa Research Laboratory, 2000. Fuller version of [doma00]. Available here.

[doma00b] Tamar Domani, Elliot K. Kolodner, Ethan Lewis, Elliot E. Salant, Katherine Barabash, Itai Lahan, Erez Petrank, Igor Yanover, and Yossi Levanoni. Implementing an on-the-fly garbage collector for Java. In Chambers and Hosking [ISMM2000], 2000, pages 155-166. Available here.

[doma00] Tamar Domani, Elliot K. Kolodner, and Erez Petrank. A generational on-the-fly garbage collector for Java. In PLDI 2000 [PLDI00], 2000, pages 274-284. Available here.

[doma02] Tamar Domani, Elliot K. Kolodner, Ethan Lewis, Erez Petrank, and Dafna Sheinwald. Thread-local heaps for Java. In Boehm and Detlefs [ISMM02], 2002, pages 76-87. Available here.

[domb15] Marcel Dombrowski, Kenneth B. Kent Konstantin Nasartschuk and, and Gerhard W. Dueck. A survey on object cache locality in automated memory management systems. In Proceeding of the IEEE 28th Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, pages 349-354, Halifax, Canada, May 2015. IEEE Press. Available here.

[domb16] Marcel Dombrowski, Kenneth B. Kent Konstantin Nasartschuk and, Gerhard W. Dueck, and Charlie Gracie. Thread-group based local heap garbage collection in a simulated runtime environment. In 2016 IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE). IEEE Press, May 2016. Available here.

[dona01] Steven M. Donahue, Matthew P. Hampton, Morgan Deters, Jonathan M. Nye, Ron K. Cytron, and Krishna M. Kavi. Storage allocation for real-time, embedded systems. In Henzinger and Kirsch [EMSOFT01], 2001, pages 131-147. Available here.

[donn06] Kevin Donnelly, Joe Hallett, and Assaf Kfoury. Formal semantics of weak references. In Petrank and Moss [ISMM06], 2006, pages 126-137. Available here.

[dor98] Nurit Dor, Michael Rodeh, and Mooly Sagiv. Detecting memory errors via static pointer analysis. In PASTE 1998 [PASTE98], 1998, pages 27-34. Available here.

[dorf] Len Dorfman and Marc J. Neuberger. C++ Memory Management. McGraw-Hill. Out of print.

[doro91] M. Dorochevsky, K. Schuerman, A. Véron, and J. Xu. Contraint handling, garbage collection and execution models in ElipSys. In A. Beaumont and G. Gupta, editors, ICLP'91 Workshop on Parallel Execution of Logic Programs, volume 569 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 17-28. Springer-Verlag, 1991.

[doro92] M. Dorochevsky and A. Véron. Binding techniques and garbage collection for OR-parallel CLP systems. In Bruynooghe and Wirsing [PLILP92], 1992, pages 39-53. Available here.

[doug02] Bruce Powel Douglass. Real-Time Design Patterns: Robust Scalable Architecture for Real-Time Systems, chapter 6. Addison-Wesley, 2002.

[doug91] Fred Douglis, M. Frans Kaashoek ad John K. Ousterhout, and Andrew S. Tanenbaum. A comparison of two distributed operating systems : Amoeba and Sprite. Computing Systems, 4(4):353-384, September 1991.

[doug93] Fred Douglis. The compression cache: Using on-line compression to extend physical memory. In 1993 Winter USENIX Conference, pages 519-529, San Diego, CA, January 1993. USENIX Association.

[drex88] K. Eric Drexler and Mark S. Miller. Incentive engineering: for computational resource management. In Bernardo Huberman, editor, The Ecology of Computation. Elsevier-North Holland, 1988. Available here.

[drez86] Z. Drezner and A. Barak. An asynchronous algorithm for scattering information between the active nodes of a multi-computer system. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 3(3):344-351, September 1986.

[dsou17] Irwin D'Souza. How concurrent scavenge using the Guarded Storage Facility works. Technical report, IBM Corp., October 2017.

[dubo13] Kristof Du Bois, Jennifer B. Sartor, Stijn Eyerman, and Lieven Eeckhout. Bottle graphs: visualizing scalability bottlenecks in multi-threaded applications. In OOPSLA 2013 [OOPSLA13], 2013. Available here.

[debu96] Danny Dubé, Marc Feeley, and Manuel Serrano. Un GC temps réel semi-compactant. Journées Francophones des Langages Applicatifs, pages 165-181, January 1996. Available here.

[dufo04] Bruno Dufour, Christopher Goard, Laurie Hendren, Oege de Moor, Ganesh Sittampalam, and Clark Verbrugge. Measuring the dynamic behaviour of AspectJ programs. In OOPSLA 2004 [OOPSLA04], 2004. Available here.

[duim89] John Duimovich. Garbage collection in a multiprocessor Smalltalk system. Master's thesis, Carleton University, Canada, 1990.

[durd91] Igor Durdanovic. A fast garbage collection algorithm for WAM-based PROLOG. In 4th Workshop on Computer Science Logic, Heidelberg, number 533 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 110-127. Springer-Verlag, October 1991.

[duri84] Jean-Louis Durieux, Danielle Jean, coise Carré Fran\, and Patrick Sallé. Langage d'implémentation pour logique et acteurs. Bigre+Globule, November 1984. 2e journées d'étude sur les Langages Orientés Objet.

[tick92] S. Duvvuru, R. Sundararajan, E. Tick, A.V.S. Sastry, L. Hansen, and X. Zhong. A compile-time memory-reuse scheme for concurrent logic programs. In Bekkers and Cohen [IWMM92], 1992, pages 264-276. Available here.

[dwye73] B. Dwyer. Simple algorithms for traversing a tree without an auxiliary stack. Inf Process. Lett., 2(5):143-145, December 1973.

[dybv93] R. Kent Dybvig, Carl Bruggeman, and David Eby. Guardians in a generation-based garbage collector. In PLDI 1993 [PLDI93], 1993, pages 207-216. Available here.

[dybv94] R. Kent Dybvig, David Eby, and Carl Bruggeman. Don't stop the BIBOP: Flexible and efficient storage management for dynamically-typed languages. Technical Report 400, Indiana University Computer Science Department, March 1994. Available here.

[dyks02] L. Dykstra, Witiwas Srisa-an, and J. Morris Chang. An analysis of the garbage collector performance in Sun's HotSpot JVM. In 21st IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference (IPCCC), pages 335-339, Phoenix, AZ, April 2002.