Internet Protocols

Client/Server Interaction

This is an interaction between the computer and the user. When a user (the client) clicks on a link for a page, the computer starts to process opening the page for the user. The user is the client, while the computer is the server. Due to the request of the client for a webpage, the server sends the page back over the internet, fulfilling the request. This completes the operation started with the user's click on the link and ends the client/Server interaction. The server can handle many clients at the same time, even up to thousands. This is one of the features that makes the computer very efficient.

The image below shows a prime example of how the client/server interaction works:

Client Server Illustration

A typical client/server interaction goes like this:
  1. The user runs client software to create a query.
  2. The client connects to the server.
  3. The client sends the query to the server.
  4. The server analyzes the query.
  5. The server computes the results of the query.
  6. The server sends the results to the client.
  7. The client presents the results to the user.
  8. Repeat as necessary.

TCP/IP Postcard Analogy

Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol is the protocol that the computer uses to send data across the internet. TCP takes the information sent by a person and breaks into small parts called packets. Each packet has a number of information such as the unit number, a destination IP address and a sequence number (Fluency with Information technology Skills, Concepts and Capabilities by Lawrence Snyder, page 71). These information allow the packets to arranged in a chronological order and allow the recipient to be able to re-order the packets to gain access to the information.
The recipient uses a TCP software package to gain access to the packets. This software package scans all the packets sent and notifies the recipient if any are missing.

Advantage of TCP/IP

One of the advantages of TCP/IP is that if in case the network was render inoperative then the reaming IP packets will still function as normal. This is quite important because it means that the packets would not stop working just because it is not complete.
Another advantage of TCP/IP is that the IP packets don't have to be sent to the same type of server. They can be sent and received regardless if the clients or server are using Windows, Macintosh or other types of platforms. (Hyper Learning Center)



Local area network connects network devices in an enclosed building such as a school or an office. One of it's primarily uses is for internal communication. It is commonly used within schools and small companies because the computers are close enough to be linked by a few numbers of wires. It also allows user to be able to connect to the internet using intranets. In addition to this, the information on local Area Networks can be easily backed up.


A Wide Area Network is a network that covers a large geographical area. The internet is a prime example of this type of network. Quite a number of Wide Area networks are built by Internet service providers and are sold to people and companies via subscriptions. They are most often built using leased lines. At each end of the leased line, a router connects to the LAN on one side and a hub within the WAN on the other. (Enzine Articles)


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