The Lecturer
I got into lecturing late, having spent a number of years programming in the NHS, including developing a small database in assembly language for a PDP 8. I didn't know it was a database then. As computing degrees did not then exist, I took a Maths degree and got into computing via a taught Masters, so I understand the students in this course from personal experience.
My ethos is very student centred. I try to be close enough to understand their experience, the better to adapt what I do to their needs. This has proved valuable in helping a number of students daunted by the programme and lacking self-belief. A further benefit is that I get to learn a lot from the students, as they come in from different disciplines bringing a lot of interesting knowledge.
I am using the Commons for a rather different purpose from the others in that this is my last year of teaching and so this provides me with a kinds of wrap up − a repository for what I have learnt.