The Programme's Place in the Department
The Department of Computing Science of the University of Glasgow is one of the strongest in the UK. It is regularly highly rated in assessments of research and of teaching. It was placed in the top ten of the RAE and regularly appears in the top ten of the NSS, often appearing first.
This means that we take teaching seriously and do not attain our research excellence at the expense of the students. The MSc IT has been particularly fortunate in being taught by a particularly effective and caring set of lecturers.
The MSc IT is part of a portfolio of general and focussed advanced MSc and MRes programmes, which are designed to attract good students into our department, many to carry on to research. Although less obviously geared to this than the MRes or the advanced Masters, the MSc IT provides the department with a steady stream of excellent postgraduate research students, coming with a different set of knowledge from our usual graduates − for instance mathematical, scientific or social scientific.