CSP for Java
(JCSP) 1.1-rc4


ELEMENT_ADDRESS - Static variable in interface org.jcsp.net.settings.XMLConfigConstants
ELEMENT_ADDRESS_SETTING - Static variable in interface org.jcsp.net.settings.XMLConfigConstants
ELEMENT_ADDRESSES - Static variable in interface org.jcsp.net.settings.XMLConfigConstants
ELEMENT_CONNECTION_ORIENTED - Static variable in interface org.jcsp.net.settings.XMLConfigConstants
ELEMENT_LINK_PROFILE - Static variable in interface org.jcsp.net.settings.XMLConfigConstants
ELEMENT_LINK_PROFILES - Static variable in interface org.jcsp.net.settings.XMLConfigConstants
ELEMENT_LINK_REQ_MAXPING - Static variable in interface org.jcsp.net.settings.XMLConfigConstants
ELEMENT_LINK_REQ_MINSPEED - Static variable in interface org.jcsp.net.settings.XMLConfigConstants
ELEMENT_LINK_REQ_OTHER - Static variable in interface org.jcsp.net.settings.XMLConfigConstants
ELEMENT_LINK_REQ_PROTOCOL - Static variable in interface org.jcsp.net.settings.XMLConfigConstants
ELEMENT_LINK_REQS - Static variable in interface org.jcsp.net.settings.XMLConfigConstants
ELEMENT_MAXSPEED - Static variable in interface org.jcsp.net.settings.XMLConfigConstants
ELEMENT_MEMORY - Static variable in interface org.jcsp.net.settings.XMLConfigConstants
ELEMENT_NODE_PROFILE - Static variable in interface org.jcsp.net.settings.XMLConfigConstants
ELEMENT_NODE_PROFILES - Static variable in interface org.jcsp.net.settings.XMLConfigConstants
ELEMENT_NODE_REQ_MINMEMORY - Static variable in interface org.jcsp.net.settings.XMLConfigConstants
ELEMENT_NODE_REQ_MINSPEED - Static variable in interface org.jcsp.net.settings.XMLConfigConstants
ELEMENT_NODE_REQ_OTHER - Static variable in interface org.jcsp.net.settings.XMLConfigConstants
ELEMENT_NODE_REQS - Static variable in interface org.jcsp.net.settings.XMLConfigConstants
ELEMENT_NODE_SPECS - Static variable in interface org.jcsp.net.settings.XMLConfigConstants
ELEMENT_OTHERSPEC - Static variable in interface org.jcsp.net.settings.XMLConfigConstants
ELEMENT_PLUGIN - Static variable in interface org.jcsp.net.settings.XMLConfigConstants
ELEMENT_PLUGINS - Static variable in interface org.jcsp.net.settings.XMLConfigConstants
ELEMENT_PROTOCOL - Static variable in interface org.jcsp.net.settings.XMLConfigConstants
ELEMENT_PROTOCOL_SETTING - Static variable in interface org.jcsp.net.settings.XMLConfigConstants
ELEMENT_PROTOCOL_SETTINGS - Static variable in interface org.jcsp.net.settings.XMLConfigConstants
ELEMENT_PROTOCOLS - Static variable in interface org.jcsp.net.settings.XMLConfigConstants
ELEMENT_RELIABLE - Static variable in interface org.jcsp.net.settings.XMLConfigConstants
ELEMENT_SERVICE - Static variable in interface org.jcsp.net.settings.XMLConfigConstants
ELEMENT_SERVICES - Static variable in interface org.jcsp.net.settings.XMLConfigConstants
ELEMENT_SETTING - Static variable in interface org.jcsp.net.settings.XMLConfigConstants
ELEMENT_SETTINGS - Static variable in interface org.jcsp.net.settings.XMLConfigConstants
ELEMENT_SPECS - Static variable in interface org.jcsp.net.settings.XMLConfigConstants
ELEMENT_WIRELESS - Static variable in interface org.jcsp.net.settings.XMLConfigConstants
EMPTY - Static variable in interface org.jcsp.util.ChannelDataStore
Indicates that the ChannelDataStore is empty -- it can accept only a put.
EMPTY - Static variable in interface org.jcsp.util.ints.ChannelDataStoreInt
Indicates that the ChannelDataStoreInt is empty -- it can accept only a put.
endGet() - Method in class org.jcsp.util.Buffer
Removes the oldest object from the buffer.
endGet() - Method in interface org.jcsp.util.ChannelDataStore
Ends an extended read on the buffer.
endGet() - Method in class org.jcsp.util.InfiniteBuffer
Removes the oldest object from the buffer.
endGet() - Method in class org.jcsp.util.ints.BufferInt
Removes the oldest integer from the buffer.
endGet() - Method in interface org.jcsp.util.ints.ChannelDataStoreInt
Ends an extended read on the buffer.
endGet() - Method in class org.jcsp.util.ints.InfiniteBufferInt
Removes the oldest integer from the buffer.
endGet() - Method in class org.jcsp.util.ints.OverFlowingBufferInt
Removes the oldest integer from the buffer.
endGet() - Method in class org.jcsp.util.ints.OverWriteOldestBufferInt
See OverWriteOldestBufferInt.startGet() for a description of the semantics of this method.
endGet() - Method in class org.jcsp.util.ints.OverWritingBufferInt
See OverWritingBufferInt.startGet() for a description of the semantics of this method.
endGet() - Method in class org.jcsp.util.ints.ZeroBufferInt
Ends the extended rendezvous by clearing the buffer.
endGet() - Method in class org.jcsp.util.OverFlowingBuffer
Removes the oldest object from the buffer.
endGet() - Method in class org.jcsp.util.OverWriteOldestBuffer
This ends an extended rendezvous by the reader.
endGet() - Method in class org.jcsp.util.OverWritingBuffer
This ends an extended rendezvous by the reader.
endGet() - Method in class org.jcsp.util.ZeroBuffer
Ends the extended rendezvous by clearing the buffer.
endRead() - Method in class org.jcsp.lang.AltingChannelInputWrapper
Deprecated. Ends an extended rendezvous
endRead() - Method in interface org.jcsp.lang.ChannelInput
End an extended rendezvous.
endRead() - Method in interface org.jcsp.lang.ChannelInputInt
End an extended rendezvous.
endRead() - Method in class org.jcsp.lang.ChannelInputWrapper
Deprecated. Ends an extended rendezvous
endRead() - Method in class org.jcsp.lang.Crew
This must be invoked after any read operations on the associated shared resource.
endWrite() - Method in class org.jcsp.lang.Crew
This must be invoked after any write operations on the associated shared resource.
enroll() - Method in class org.jcsp.lang.AltingBarrier
A process may enroll only if it is resigned.
enroll() - Method in class org.jcsp.lang.Barrier
A process may enroll only if it is resigned.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jcsp.net.ApplicationID
Compares the supplied Object with this ApplicationID.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jcsp.net.cns.ChannelNameKey
Compares another Object with this ChannelNameKey.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jcsp.net.cns.NameAccessLevel
Compares an object with this object.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jcsp.net.DomainID
This compares an object with this object.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jcsp.net.GlobalID
Compares another object with this GlobalID object.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jcsp.net.Link
Compares another object with this object.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jcsp.net.NetChannelLocation
Returns whether this object is equal to another object.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jcsp.net.NodeAddressID
Compares the instance of the class implementing this interface with another object.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jcsp.net.NodeID
Compares this NodeID with another object.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jcsp.net.NodeUI
Compares this NodeUI with another object.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jcsp.net.Profile
Compares this Profile with another object.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jcsp.net.ProtocolID
This tests whether another object is equal to this object.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jcsp.net.settings.Address
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jcsp.net.settings.AddressSetting
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jcsp.net.settings.ConnectionOriented
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jcsp.net.settings.LinkProfile
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jcsp.net.settings.MaxPing
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jcsp.net.settings.MaxSpeed
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jcsp.net.settings.Memory
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jcsp.net.settings.MinMemory
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jcsp.net.settings.MinSpeed
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jcsp.net.settings.NodeProfile
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jcsp.net.settings.OtherSpec
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jcsp.net.settings.Plugin
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jcsp.net.settings.Protocol
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jcsp.net.settings.Reliable
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jcsp.net.settings.ReqProtocol
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jcsp.net.settings.Service
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jcsp.net.settings.Setting
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jcsp.net.settings.Spec
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jcsp.net.settings.Specs
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jcsp.net.settings.Wireless
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jcsp.net.tcpip.TCPIPAddressID
Compares two TCPIPAddressID for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jcsp.net.tcpip.TCPIPProtocolID
Compares two protocol IDs
err - Static variable in class org.jcsp.net.Node
A Logger for logging error messages.
exception(String) - Method in interface org.jcsp.net.Node.Attributes
exchangeNodeIDs() - Method in class org.jcsp.net.Link
Sends the ID of this node to the peer process and receives its ID.
expand(int) - Method in class org.jcsp.lang.AltingBarrier
This expands the number of processes enrolled in this alting barrier.
expand() - Method in class org.jcsp.lang.AltingBarrier
This expands by one the number of processes enrolled in this alting barrier.
extend(GraphicsCommand[]) - Method in interface org.jcsp.awt.Display
Extends the array of GraphicsCommands to be interpreted.
extend(GraphicsCommand) - Method in interface org.jcsp.awt.Display
Extends the array of GraphicsCommands to be executed by one command.
extend(GraphicsCommand[]) - Method in class org.jcsp.awt.DisplayList
Extends the array of GraphicsCommands to be executed.
extend(GraphicsCommand) - Method in class org.jcsp.awt.DisplayList
Extends the array of GraphicsCommands to be executed by one command.

CSP for Java
(JCSP) 1.1-rc4
Submit a bug or feature to jcsp-team@kent.ac.uk
Version 1.1-rc4 of the JCSP API Specification (Copyright 1997-2008 P.D.Austin and P.H.Welch - All Rights Reserved)
Java is a trademark or registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the US and other countries.