Object Constraint Language Library
Documents |
UML'03 workshop on "OCL 2.0 - Industry standard or scientific playground?"
2.0 - Implementing the Standard.pdf
Technical Report
Tutorial on using the OCL.
OCL: Modularising the Language. D.H. Akehurst, S. Zschaler, W.G.J.
Howells. Margaria, T. and Padberg, J. and Taentzer, G., eds. Modelling
Systems with OCL. Electronic Communications of the EASST, 9. Electronic
Communications of the EASST, Berlin, Heidelberg pp. 176-181. ISSN
1863-2122. (2008)
C# 3.0 makes OCL redundant! D.H. Akehurst, W.G.J. Howells, M. Scheidgen,
K.D. McDonald-Maier. Workshop on Ocl4All: Modelling Systems with OCL, part
of 10th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and
Systems (MODELS/UML). Electronic Communications of the EASST, 9 . ISSN
1863-2122. (2008)
7th International Workshop on Ocl4All: Modelling Systems with OCL. David
H. Akehurst, Martin Gogolla, Steffen Zschaler: MoDELS Workshops 2007:
UML/OCL: Detaching the Standard Library. D.H. Akehurst , W.G.J. Howells ,
K.D. McDonald-Maier. Workshop on OCL for (meta-)models in Multiple
Application Domains, part of 9th International Conference on Model Driven
Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS/UML) (2006)
Supporting OCL as Part of a Family of Languages. D.H. Akehurst , W.G.J.
Howells , K.D. McDonald-Maier. Proceedings of the MoDELS'05 Conference
Workshop on Tool Support for OCL and Related Formalisms - Needs and Trends,
LTL-REPORT-2--5-001 pp.30-37 (2005)
Relations in OCL. D.H. Akehurst. In UML <<2004>> Workshop OCL and Model
Driven Engineering, pages 182-196, Lisbon, Portugal, October 2004.
OCL 2.0 - Implementing the Standard for Multiple Metamodels. David H.
Akehurst, Octavian Patrascoiu. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer
Science (ENTCS) Volume 102, Pages 21-41, November, (2004)
Tooling Metamodels with Patterns and OCL. D.H. Akehurst and O.
Patrascoiu. In Proceedings of the Metamodelling for MDA Workshop, pages
182-196, York, November 2003. [
On Querying UML data models with OCL. D.H. Akehurst and B. Bordbar. In
<> 2001 "Modeling Languages, Concepts and Tools", pages 182-196,
October 2001.