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Links |
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Kent OCL Tool
www.cs.kent.ac.uk/projects/ocl |
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Reasoning with Diagrams www.cs.ukc.ac.uk/rwd
This is a UK government (EPSRC) funded project, in which we are working
with the visual modelling group at the University of Brighton,
www.it.brighton.ac.uk/research/vmg/default.html, to build
diagrammatic reasoning tools with the help of KMF.
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Segravis www.upb.de/cs/ag-engels/ag_engl/Segravis/
This is a European funded project, with many partners, all of whom are
listed on the home page for the whole project. In particular, we are using
this project to support collaboration with a group at Universität
Paderborn, Germany, to add a graph transformation capability to KMF.
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Eclipse Modeling Framework www.eclipse.org/emf
This is a project associated with the Eclipse Tools platform, which also
generates code from metamodels. At some point we hope to port our work
across to this framework, in particular the OCL checking. As a first step,
we are working with IBM to make sure that tools generated using EMF or KMF
can exchange information using XMI.