CXXR (C++ R)
Allocator.hpp | STL-compatible allocator front-ending CXXR::MemoryBank |
Applic.h | |
ArgList.cpp | |
ArgList.hpp | Class CXXR::ArgList |
ArgMatcher.cpp | |
ArgMatcher.hpp | Class CXXR::ArgMatcher |
Arith.h | |
arithmetic.h | |
Bailout.hpp | Class CXXR::Bailout |
BailoutContext.hpp | Class CXXR::BailoutContext |
basedecl.h | |
BinaryFunction.cpp | Implementation of VectorOps::BinaryFunction and related functions |
BinaryFunction.hpp | Class VectorOps::BinaryFunction and related functions |
BLAS.h | |
Boolean.h | |
Browser.cpp | |
Browser.hpp | Class CXXR::Browser |
BuiltInFunction.cpp | |
BuiltInFunction.h | Class CXXR::BuiltInFunction and associated C interface |
ByteCode.cpp | Class CXXR::ByteCode |
ByteCode.hpp | Class CXXR::ByteCode |
Callbacks.h | |
CellHeap.cpp | |
CellHeap.hpp | Class CXXR::CellHeap |
CellPool.cpp | |
CellPool.hpp | Class CXXR::CellPool |
character.cpp | |
Closure.cpp | Implementation of class CXXR::Closure and associated C interface |
Closure.h | Class CXXR::Closure and associated C interface |
ClosureContext.hpp | Class CXXR::ClosureContext |
coerce.cpp | |
Colors.h | |
CommandChronicle.cpp | |
CommandChronicle.hpp | Class CommandChronicle |
CommandTerminated.hpp | Exception class CXXR::CommandTerminated |
Complex.h | |
ComplexVector.cpp | |
ComplexVector.h | Class CXXR::ComplexVector and associated C interface |
config.h | |
config.hpp | Build configuration options specific to CXXR |
ConsCell.cpp | Class CXXR::ConsCell and associated C interface |
ConsCell.h | Class CXXR::ConsCell and associated C interface |
Constants.h | |
datetime.cpp | |
Defn.h | A ragbag |
deriv.cpp | |
DotInternal.cpp | Table of functions invoked via .Internal() |
DotInternal.h | Table of functions invoked via .Internal() |
DottedArgs.cpp | Class CXXR::DottedArgs |
DottedArgs.hpp | Class CXXR::DottedArgs |
ElementTraits.hpp | Namespace encapsulating traits of R vector element types |
envir.cpp | |
Environment.cpp | Implementation of class CXXR:Environment and associated C interface |
Environment.h | Class CXXR::Environment and associated C interface |
Error.h | |
Errormsg.h | |
errors.cpp | |
errors.h | Convenience header to give CXXR core code access to CR error handling |
eval.cpp | |
Evaluator.cpp | |
Evaluator.h | Class CXXR::Evaluator |
Evaluator_Context.cpp | |
Evaluator_Context.hpp | Class CXXR::Evaluator::Context |
eventloop.h | |
Expression.cpp | Class CXXR::Expression and associated C interface |
Expression.h | Class CXXR::Expression and associated C interface |
ExpressionVector.cpp | |
ExpressionVector.h | Class CXXR::ExpressionVector and associated C interface |
ExternalPointer.cpp | Class CXXR::ExternalPointer and associated C interface |
ExternalPointer.h | Class CXXR::ExternalPointer and associated C interface |
Fileio.h | |
FixedVector.hpp | Class template CXXR::FixedVector |
Frame.cpp | Implementation of class CXXR:Frame and CXXR::Frame::Binding |
Frame.hpp | Class CXXR::Frame and associated functions |
FunctionBase.cpp | |
FunctionBase.h | Class CXXR::FunctionBase and associated C interface functions |
FunctionContext.cpp | |
FunctionContext.hpp | Class CXXR::FunctionContext |
GCEdge.cpp | |
GCEdge.hpp | Templated class CXXR::GCEdge |
GCManager.cpp | |
GCManager.hpp | Class CXXR::GCManager |
GCNode.cpp | |
GCNode.hpp | Class CXXR::GCNode |
GCNode_PtrS11n.cpp | |
GCNode_PtrS11n.hpp | Class GCNode::PtrS11n |
GCRoot.cpp | |
GCRoot.h | Templated class CXXR::GCRoot and its untemplated base class CXXR::GCRootBase |
GCStackRoot.cpp | |
GCStackRoot.hpp | Templated class CXXR::GCStackRoot and its untemplated base class CXXR::GCStackRootBase |
GetX11Image.h | |
Graphics.h | |
GraphicsBase.h | |
GraphicsDevice.h | |
GraphicsEngine.h | |
gzio.h | |
HeterogeneousList.cpp | |
HeterogeneousList.hpp | Templated class CXXR::HeterogeneousList and its untemplated base class HeterogeneousListBase |
Internal.h | |
IntVector.cpp | |
IntVector.h | Class CXXR::IntVector and associated C interface |
IOStuff.h | |
Lapack.h | |
libextern.h | |
Linpack.h | |
ListFrame.cpp | Implementation of class CXXR:ListFrame |
ListFrame.hpp | Class CXXR::ListFrame |
ListVector.cpp | |
ListVector.h | Class CXXR::ListVector and associated C interface |
localization.h | Macro definitions relating to localization |
LogicalVector.cpp | |
LogicalVector.h | Class CXXR::LogicalVector and associated C interface |
LoopBailout.cpp | Implementation of class CXXR::LoopBailout |
LoopBailout.hpp | Class CXXR::LoopBailout |
LoopException.hpp | Class CXXR::LoopException |
main.cpp | |
MathThreads.h | |
memcheck.h | |
memory.cpp | |
Memory.h | |
MemoryBank.cpp | |
MemoryBank.hpp | Class CXXR::MemoryBank |
NAAugment.hpp | Class template NAAugment<T> and associated element traits |
NodeStack.cpp | |
NodeStack.hpp | Class CXXR::NodeStack |
PairList.cpp | Class CXXR::PairList and associated C interface |
PairList.h | C interface of class PairList |
Parse.h | |
R_ext/Parse.h | |
PlainContext.hpp | Class CXXR::PlainContext |
Print.h | |
R_ext/Print.h | |
Promise.cpp | Implementation of class CXXR::Promise and associated C interface |
Promise.h | Class CXXR::Promise and associated C interface |
ProtectStack.cpp | |
ProtectStack.h | Class CXXR::ProtectStack and associated C interface |
Provenance.hpp | Class Provenance |
provenance_do.cpp | Provenance-related R functions |
ProvenanceTracker.h | |
PrtUtil.h | |
QuartzDevice.h | |
R-ftp-http.h | |
R.h | Header file defining the R API (cf. 'Writing R Extensions') |
RAllocStack.cpp | |
RAllocStack.h | Function R_alloc() and kin |
Random.h | |
RawVector.cpp | |
RawVector.h | Class CXXR::RawVector and associated C interface |
RBufferUtils.h | |
Rcomplex.h | |
Rconfig.h | |
Rconnections.h | |
RConverters.h | |
Rdefines.h | |
Rdevices.h | |
Rdynload.h | |
Rdynpriv.h | |
RealVector.cpp | |
RealVector.h | Class CXXR::RealVector and associated C interface |
Rembedded.h | |
ReturnBailout.cpp | Implementation of class CXXR::ReturnBailout |
ReturnBailout.hpp | Class CXXR::ReturnBailout |
ReturnException.hpp | Class CXXR::ReturnException |
Rgraphics.h | |
RHandle.hpp | Class template CXXR::RHandle |
Riconv.h | |
Rinlinedfuns.h | |
Rinterface.h | |
Rinternals.h | (As described in 'Writing R Extensions'.) |
Rinternet.h | |
Rlapack.h | |
rlocale.h | |
rlocale_data.h | |
Rmath.h | |
RObject.cpp | |
RObject.h | Class CXXR::RObject and associated C interface functions |
RS.h | |
RStartup.h | |
Rstrptime.h | |
Rvalgrind.h | |
Rversion.h | |
Rvfonts.h | |
RX11.h | |
S.h | |
S11nScope.cpp | |
S11nScope.hpp | Class S11nScope |
S3Launcher.cpp | |
S3Launcher.hpp | |
S4Object.cpp | Class CXXR::S4Object and associated C interface |
S4Object.h | Class CXXR::S4Object and associated C interface |
scan.cpp | |
SchwarzCounter.hpp | Schwarz counter class template |
SEXP_downcast.cpp | |
SEXP_downcast.hpp | The templated function CXXR::SEXP_downcast() |
SEXPTYPE.h | The SEXPTYPE enumeration |
Startup.h | |
stats_package.h | |
stats_stubs.h | |
StdFrame.cpp | Implementation of class CXXR:StdFrame |
StdFrame.hpp | Class CXXR::StdFrame |
String.cpp | |
String.h | Class CXXR::String and associated C interface |
StringVector.cpp | |
StringVector.h | Class CXXR::StringVector and associated C interface |
Subscripting.cpp | |
Subscripting.hpp | Functionality to support subscript operations on R vectors, matrices and arrays |
Symbol.cpp | Implementation of class CXXR::Symbol and associated C interface |
Symbol.h | Class CXXR::Symbol and associated C interface |
UnaryFunction.cpp | Implementation of VectorOps::UnaryFunction and related functions |
UnaryFunction.hpp | Class VectorOps::UnaryFunction and related functions |
uncxxr.h | Macros used to provide cues to the script |
unordered_collections_load_imp.hpp | |
unordered_collections_save_imp.hpp | |
unordered_map.hpp | |
unzip.h | |
Utils.h | |
valgrind.h | |
valid_utf8.h | |
VectorBase.cpp | Implementation of class VectorBase and related functions |
VectorBase.h | Class CXXR::VectorBase and associated C interface |
Visibility.h | |
WeakRef.cpp | |
WeakRef.h | Class CXXR::WeakRef and associated C interface |