Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
\NCXXRNamespace for the CXXR project
 oNElementTraitsNamespace encapsulating traits of R vector element types
 |oCDataInformation about the data payload
 |oCDetachReferentsFunction object for detaching referents
 |oCHasReferentsDo elements of this type refer to GCNode objects?
 |oCMustConstructDo elements of this type require construction?
 |oCMustDestructDoes this type have a destructor?
 |oCSerializeFunction object for serialization/deserialization
 |oCVisitReferentsFunction object for visiting referents
 |oCNAFuncFunction object to generate 'not available' value
 |\CIsNAFunction object for testing 'not available' status
 oNVectorOpsServices to support common operations on R vectors and arrays
 |oCGeneralBinaryAttributeCopierControl attribute copying for binary functions
 |oCBinaryNAPropagatorMonitor function application for binary functions
 |oCNullBinaryFunctorWrapperMonitor function application for binary functions
 |oCBinaryFunctionClass used to apply a binary function to vectors
 |oCCopyAllAttributesControl attribute copying for unary functions
 |oCCopyLayoutAttributesControl attribute copying for unary functions
 |oCCopyNoAttributesControl attribute copying for unary functions
 |oCUnaryNAPropagatorMonitor function application for unary functions
 |oCNullUnaryFunctorWrapperMonitor function application for unary functions
 |\CUnaryFunctionClass used to transform a vector elementwise using unary function
 oCAllocatorSTL-compatible allocator front-ending CXXR::MemoryBank
 oCArgListClass encapsulating the argument list of a FunctionBase
 oCArgMatcherClass to match formal and supplied arguments
 oCBuiltInFunctionR function implemented within the interpreter
 oCCachedStringString object held in a cache
 oCCellPoolClass to manage a pool of memory cells of a fixed size
 oCClosureClass representing a functional programming closure
 oCCommandChronicleRecord of bindings read by top-level command
 oCComplexCXXR's extension of CR's Rcomplex
 oCConsCellElement of a singly linked list
 |oCconst_iteratorConst_iterator for iterating over a ConsCell list
 |\CiteratorIterator for iterating over a HeterogeneousList
 oCPairListSingly linked list of pairs
 oCDotInternalTableTable of functions invoked via .Internal()
 oCDumbVectorVector of 'plain old data'
 oCEnvironmentMapping from Symbols to R objects
 |oCLoopScopeObject authorising R 'break' and 'next' commands
 |\CReturnScopeObject authorising R 'return' command
 oCEvaluatorFramework for R command evaluation
 |\CContextHousekeeping information on R call stack
 oCExpressionSingly linked list representing an R expression
 oCExternalPointerExternal pointer
 oCFixedVectorR data vector primarily intended for fixed-size use
 oCFrameMapping from Symbols to R objects
 |\CBindingRepresentation of a binding of a Symbol to an RObject
 oCFunctionBaseBase class for function types
 oCGCEdgeBaseUntemplated base class for GCEdge
 oCGCEdgeDirected edge in the graph whose nodes are GCNode objects
 oCGCNodeBase class for objects managed by the garbage collector
 |oCconst_visitorAbstract base class for the Visitor design pattern
 |oCGCInhibitorNot for general use
 |\CPtrS11nSerialization/deserialization of pointers to GCNode objects
 oCGCRootBaseUntemplated base class for GCRoot
 oCGCRootSmart pointer to protect a GCNode from garbage collection
 oCGCStackRootBaseUntemplated base class for GCStackRoot
 oCGCStackRootSmart pointer to protect a GCNode from garbage collection
 oCHandleVectorVector of RObject::Handle smart pointers
 oCHeterogeneousListBaseUntemplated base class for HeterogeneousList
 |\CLinkBase class for nodes in any HeterogeneousList
 oCHeterogeneousListDoubly-linked list of objects derived from a class Node
 |\Cconst_iteratorConst_iterator for iterating over a HeterogeneousList
 oCMemoryBankClass to manage memory allocation and deallocation for CXXR
 oCNAAugmentClass template to augment a type with 'not available'
 oCNodeStackClass implementing a stack of RObject*
 |oCElementProxyProxy object for an element of a NodeStack
 |\CScopeObject constraining lifetime of NodeStack entries
 oCPromiseMechanism for deferred evaluation
 oCProtectStackClass implementing CR's 'pointer protection stack'
 |\CScopeObject constraining lifetime of ProtectStack entries
 oCProvenanceProvenance of a Frame::Binding state
 |\CCompTimeFor sorting Provenance objects by timestamp
 oCRAllocStackClass for implementing R_alloc() and kindred functions
 |\CScopeObject constraining lifetime of R_alloc() blocks
 oCRHandleSmart pointer used to control the copying of RObjects
 oCRObjectReplacement for CR's SEXPREC
 |\CDoNothingClass of function object that does nothing to an RObject
 oCS11nScopeClass providing supplementary information for serialization
 oCS4ObjectS4 object
 oCSchwarzCounterSchwarz counter
 oCStdFrameGeneral-purpose implementation of CXXR::Frame
 oCStringRObject representing a character string
 |\CComparatorComparison object for CXXR::String
 oCSubscriptingServices to support R subscripting operations
 oCSymbolClass used to represent R symbols
 |\Cconst_iteratorConst_iterator for iterating over all standard Symbols
 oCUncachedStringString object not held in a cache
 oCVectorBaseUntemplated base class for R vectors
 \CWeakRefWeak reference