Resources used
Benyon D, Turner P and Turner S (2005) Designing Interactive Systems - people, activities, contexts, technologies, Addison Wesley, Sections available at
Carroll, J. M. (2002) Human-computer interaction in the new millennium New York, N.Y: ACM Press
Courage, C. & Baxter, K. (2006) Understanding Your Users San Francisco, Morgan Kaufmann
Dix A, Finley J, Abowd G and Beale R (2004) Human Computer Interaction Harlow: Prentice Hall
Faulkner, C. (1998) The Essence of human-computer interaction Harlow: Prentice Hall
Lopuck, L. (1996) Designing multimedia: a visual guide to multimedia and online graphic design Berkeley, California: Peachpit Press
Preece, J., Rogers, Y., & Sharp, H., (2007) Interaction Design: Beyond Human-Computer Interaction. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons
Preece J, Rogers Y, Sharp H and Benyon D (1994) Human Computer Interaction Harlow: Addison Wesley
Sharp, H, Rogers Y, and Preece J (2007) 2nd Ed, Interaction Design: beyond human computer interaction, Wiley
Shneiderman, B. (2004) Designing the user interface: strategies for effective human-computer interaction 4th Ed, Harlow: Addison Wesley
Tidwell, J. (2005) Designing Interfaces Farnham, O'Reilly Media Sections available at
Blackboard is used as a repository for all module materials It is also used as a discussion area.
There is no key text for this module. It is expected that a number of sources will be utilised including books, journal articles and websites. A selection is referenced on Blackboard.