this is what we did ...
INSERT INTO activities VALUES ('Lecture', 'Databases'); INSERT INTO activities VALUES ('Tutorial', 'Databases');

This will be the shortest section of this portfolio, for the simple reason that it is the thing over which I can exercise the least control.
For It Is Written that there will be two lectures a week. And the length of the lectures shall be fifty minutes.
With this fairly significant constraint, the next thing that has an impact is the class size. In my previous portfolio I outlined how the small class size led easily to a tutorial style of presentation. The present class size is much more numerous, so this would not be possible. It is time to fall back on the "lecture".
I will admit an element of defeatism here. I am skeptical about the effectiveness of the lecture for very much at all. But experience over many years has showed me that if there are no lectures the students will demand them. The line of least resistance is to meet this head-on and provide lectures.
The content previously described maps fairly neatly onto a series of lectures. That's really all there is to it.
This VLE [PDF] section shows the lecture plan and an overview of the content of each session.
university of leeds | school of computing | disciplinary commons | tony jenkins