Commitees / chairing
- Organiser of TVCS'16
- PLACES 2016 at ETAPS - Programme chair
- Haskell Symposium 2015 - Program Commitee
- PLE 2015 (Programming Language Evolution) @ ECOOP 2015 - Co-chair and Program
- PLE 2014 (Programming Language Evolution) @ ECOOP 2015 - Co-chair and Program
- ECOOP 2014 - Artefact Evaluation Commitee
- IFL 2013 (Implementation and Application
of Functional Languages) - Program Commitee
Academic history
- (2016-) Lecturer, School of Computing, University of Kent
- (2016) Research Associate (Research Co-invesitgator), Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge
- (2014-2015) Research Associate, Department of Computing, Imperial College London
- (2012-2014) Research Associate, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge
- (2010) Research Intern, Intel Labs, California
- (2008-2012) PhD Computer Science, (Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge)
- (2004-2008) MEng Computer Science (Department of Computer Science, Universiy of Warwick)