General Chair
Program Chair
Program Committee
Sponsored By
Supported By
Oracle Labs

HP Labs

Microsoft Research


Submitted papers must be in English and formatted to print on US Letter (8.5 x 11 inches) paper. Submissions must contain an abstract and postal and electronic mailing addresses for at least one contact author. All papers must be submitted on-line, preferably in Portable Document Format (PDF), although the submission system will also accept PostScript. Submissions should be no more than 10 pages (including bibliography, excluding well marked appendices) in standard ACM SIGPLAN conference format: two columns, nine-point font (or larger) on a ten-point baseline (or larger), with columns 20pc (3.33in) wide and 54pc (9in) tall, and a column gutter of 2pc (0.33in). Detailed formatting guidelines are available at the URL below, along with formatting templates or style files for LaTeX. Papers that violate these guidelines will be rejected by the program chair. Program committee members are not required to read appendices, and so a paper should be intelligible without them. All accepted papers will appear in the published proceedings.

Review committee

ISMM uses a separate Review Committee (RC) as part of the reviewing process. The RC complements the Program Committee (PC) by providing expert reviews. The same reviewing standards apply to the RC as for the PC. However, RC members review only a few papers each, and do not participate in the PC meeting. The use of the RC increases the breadth and depth of the reviewer pool.

This year's review committee is as follows:


The rebuttal process will occur in early March 2010, and will give the authors opportunity to respond succinctly to factual errors in reviews, before the program committee meets to make its decisions. The committee may, but need not, respond to rebuttals or revise reviews at or after the committee meeting.


The proceedings will be published by the ACM. Authors should read the ACM Author Guidelines and related information. Authors of accepted papers must guarantee that their paper will be presented at the conference. For additional information please feel free to contact the Program Chair.

Submission site

Papers are submitted online using the following link (START):

Important dates

Abstracts due: January 31, 2011
Submissions due: February 7, 2011
Author response: 11:59p.m. PST March 7 - 11:59p.m. PST March 10, 2011 (extended)
Notification: March 14, 2011
Final copy: March 25, 2011
Conference: June 4-5, 2011

Note: It is acceptable to submit an initial abstract for a paper also submitted to PLDI. The ISMM submission must be withdrawn, i.e. no full paper should be submitted, if the paper is accepted by PLDI. PLDI reviewer comments should be addressed in the final ISMM submission.