School of Computing

Installing HEAT


HEAT is written in Java and hence should run on any computer (tested mostly under Windows, Mac and Solaris).

HEAT uses the Haskell Interpreter GHCi. So before you install HEAT you should make sure that you install GHCi or GHCi is already installed. The most simple way is to install GHCi via GHCUp (you don't need the optional additional tools):

If this doesn't work, then there are alternative options for obtaining GHC.

HEAT works for all GHCi versions of the last few years.

Installing HEAT

Download the latest stable version of HEAT from the HEAT webpage. It is just a single .jar file. You can put it whereever you like in your filespace.

Using HEAT

Under Windows just double-click Heat.jar. Under other operating systems you may have to call Java with Heat.jar (that is, java -jar Heat.jar &) .

When you start HEAT for the first time, it will ask you for the path of the Haskell interpreter you are using (GHCi). The path will be something like

C:\Program Files\Haskell Platform\ghci.exe
depending on your machine.

If you enter the path of HEAT itself instead of GHCi, HEAT will start itself again and again. Either quickly kill all HEAT processes or logout from Windows. To avoid HEAT repeating this when you call HEAT again, you have to remove the heat.settings file. This file is in your home directory. So under Windows this file is in the directory C:\Documents and Settings\abc where abc is your login.

There are some help pages availabe under the Help menu.

Please report any bugs you come across to Olaf Chitil.

School of Computing, University of Kent, Canterbury, Kent, CT2 7NF

Enquiries: +44 (0)1227 824180 or contact us.

Last Updated: 23/02/2022