Modelling Reactive Multimedia: Events and Behaviours

Simon Thompson, Helen Cameron and Peter King

This page contains backup materials for the paper `Modelling reactive multimedia: events and behaviours'.

Actor.hs contains a commented version of the theatrical scenario from Section 5 of the paper.

Display1.hs, Display2.hs, Display3.hs, Display4.hs, contain the tidied up and commented code corresponding to the displays in Sections 6.1 to 6.4 of the paper.

Tickertape.hs Showing the words arriving in an Event String in a ``tickertape'' style scrolling thing. Three different versions are given, with both vertical and horizontal scrolling.

The .bmp files contain bitmaps: actor1.bmp, actor2.bmp, base.bmp, bubble.bmp, handset.bmp, man.bmp, phone0.bmp, phone1.bmp, which are used in the theatrical scenario.

All the files are given in a tarred and gzipped archive.

© Simon Thompson, 1999.

Last modified 6 October 1999.