British Colloquium for Theoretical Computer Science

1-4 April 1996

University of Kent at Canterbury

BCTCS 12 was be held in Canterbury on 1-4 April 1996. Canterbury is an attractive cathedral city in the south east of England, which lies close to the English channel, as well as to orchards and rolling countryside. The meeting was held at the University of Kent, with accommodation being provided in Darwin College, one of the four colleges of the university.

Invited presentations

We were very grateful to receive invited presentations from the following speakers.

Abstracts of underlined titles can be seen by clicking on them.

Research contributions: Web resources

Research contributions were sought on any area of theoretical computer science. We have preserved the submissions of both titles and abstracts, and augmented this with links to full versions of papers and to authors' home pages where these are available.

Financial support

Full support was provided by EPSRC for 25 EPSRC-supported PhD students. The organisers are very grateful for this financial assistance.


The programme in PostScript form is here.

Local Organisers

Committee of the BCTCS

Alan Gibbons (Chairman, Liverpool), Paul Dunne (Secretary, Liverpool), Iain Stewart (Treasurer, Swansea), Julian Bradfield (Edinburgh), Savita Chauhan (Ph.D student member, Swansea), Mike Holcombe (Sheffield), John Stell (Keele), Simon Thompson (Kent), Chris Tofts (Manchester), John Tucker (Swansea).

The next BCTCS will be held in Sheffield, and the 1998 meeting will take place in St Andrews.

The BCTCS archives, maintained by Paul Dunne at Liverpool are here.

Details of a Mathfit workshop on Semantics for Concurrency and Distribution at the University of Kent, 19-21 July 1996 are here.

Written 10 May 1995,
Last modified 29 May 1996.