Assignment 2
For this assignment students are required to implement a series of related interfaces. For this they should use appropriate design tools and give consideration to both usability and functionality. The results from research conducted for assignment 1 into the needs of a specific user group should also be taken into account. 'Director' is the required authoring software.
You are required to write a short report which:- identifies the needs of your potential users and which focuses on accessibility
- considers current standards / legislation
- analyses the feedback received from evaluators
Extract from assessment brief:
In addition to the general points that apply to all assessed work in the subject area of Computing and which are available in the Computing Handbook, the following specific criteria will be used for this work:
Usability of the interfaces for the chosen user group
Functionality of the interfaces for the chosen user group
Quality and relevance of discussion into accessibility
Quality and relevance of discussion into current standards / legislation
Consideration given to the result of evaluation
Extract from reassessment detail for assignment 1:
In the event you are required to take reassessment you will receive formal notification of this in writing from Registry Services after the meeting of the Board of Examiners. The letter will normally include a copy of the reassessment task(s). In the event of the letter not including a copy of the reassessment task(s) a copy will be available electronically on SOLE.