Extracts from the module outline
Learning and Teaching
Most class sessions consist of a range of tutor and student inputs and demonstrations, followed by a workshop. These may include: group discussions, presentations, practical activities, reflective summaries, peer and tutor feedback. In addition, use of Blackboard (VLE) will enable discussion outside formal class sessions and also form a repository for all module materials. Students will be expected to practise the skills learned and participate in private research between the formal sessions. There are also tutorial sessions where guidance can be sought.
Equal Opportunities Policy
If a student has any particular or additional learning needs, they are encouraged to speak with the module tutor. University of Worcester is committed to ensuring that disabled people, including those with learning difficulties, are treated fairly and the necessary reasonable adjustments made in order to ensure success.
The Business School tutors feel strongly that good attendance (and participation) is necessary and is an essential element of 'being a student'. Consequently, the following requirements operate:
- Students are expected to attend every session
- An attendance register will be taken at each session
- If a student cannot attend for any genuine reason (e.g. illness) they are expected to e-mail the module tutor
- Persistent non-attendance will require an explanation, in person, initially with the module tutor
In addition to the formal contact hours students are expected to engage in independent study each week. This is an essential part of a degree. The following requirements are in place concerning private study:
- A minimum of two hours independent study is expected per week
- This may involve reading for seminars, research for lectures, planning for assignments, or other activities set by the tutors
- Pre-set work for seminars is expected - if this is not completed then a student may be excluded from the seminar which will then count as a non-attendance
- It is essential, therefore, that students plan time in their weekly schedule for independent academic study