The Resources
Staff develop learning and teaching materials to ensure accessibility and equality of opportunity for all students. For instance, only a limited number of paper based resources are produced, rather the preferred resource is currently the Blackboard Learning System, utilised both as a repository for module materials and also for discussion and dissemination. Digital libraries and e-databases are used widely to access full-text articles from journals, conference proceedings, etc. The ACM Portal, Usability News, and many more electronic resources are used within this module.
The University is committed to reducing its carbon footprint and participates in green initiatives.
Via the Module Outline, issued to all registered students on a module, they are encourage to respect this initiative and are encouraged to recycle and minimise the use of disposable items. We all aim to reduce paper output and therefore module resources will, where possible, be available in electronic format only. That said, the Module Outline is issued in week one of the module in paper form so that its contents can be discussed at the outset.