The official specification for the five-week course in introductory HCI that is given to students in first year is given below – it is what is placed on the department’s web page, and is the description that has been through formal university approval: it has been unchanged for several years
The official CS-1Q-HCI Specification (“Human Computer Interaction”)
Computing Science Department, University of Glasgow, 2007/8
Rationale: This course is intended to provide a coherent picture, top to bottom, of computer systems. This will include […] human factors […] it is not a superficial introduction, but covers the above topics in non-trivial detail.
Aims: To give students an understanding of […]
- human-computer interaction: styles of interaction, requirements for an interactive system in relation to the nature of the tasks being supported, issues in the design of interactive systems, critical assessment of designs
Objectives : On completion of the course, the student should: […]
- be able to identify the main forms of human computer interaction and appreciate the issues involved in delivering successful interaction via these forms
- be able to critically assess usability of interactive systems using informal means, and know when to perform such assessments and how to use the outcomes
- understand the nature of human computer activities as tasks, and be able to analyse their structure, assess the conditions under which they are performed, and use such task analysis in the software engineering process
Content […]
HCI (approx 10 lectures): differences between designers and users; limitations of users; social factors influencing computer use; user interface design in software engineering; evaluation of user interfaces; use of finite state machines in understanding operation of UI elements and web navigation; use of boolean algebra in understanding selective availability of menu options; tasks and activities; the temporal structure of tasks and how this affects user interface design; information representation and data modelling. |
Here is the unofficial specification I give to the students at the start of the course (I have interpreted the official specification in my own special way!)
The Unofficial CS1Q-HCI Specification (“Human Computer Interaction”)
Helen C. Purchase, Semester 1, 2007/8
Aims: To give students an understanding of:
- the importance of HCI as part of a Computing Science curriculum;
- the concepts of ‘user’ and ‘task’;
- simple cognitive models;
- input and output hardware;
- interaction models;
- evaluation methods;
- iterative design and prototyping;
- groupware.
Objectives: On completion of the course, the student should be able to:
- discuss the importance of the user and the users’ task in system design, demonstrating clear understanding of formative evaluation, iterative design and protoptyping;
- describe aspects of human perception and cognitive processing relevant to system design;
- discuss the various types of usability evaluation;
- prepare and conduct an informal usability evaluation of a prototype;
- describe and analyse range of input and output devices;
- describe and analyse a range of groupware.
Week |
LectureA |
LectureB |
Tutorials |
Labs |
Assessments |
1 |
1st year intro |
HCI intro |
__ |
1st year lab intro |
__ |
2 |
Users |
Devices |
Satisfaction |
__ |
3 |
Interaction |
Evaluation |
__ |
Heuristic Evaluation |
__ |
4 |
The Design Process |
Better by Design |
Prototyping |
__ |
Heuristic Evaluation (formative) |
5 |
Groupware |
Wrap-up and revision |
__ |
Evaluation |
__ |
6 |
__ |
Trial Exam |
__ |
__ |
7 |
__ |
__ |
__ |
__ |
Prototype design and evaluation (6%) |
Lecture content:
- Lecture 1b: The nature of HCI; the importance of users’ tasks; the nature and use of guidelines.
- Lecture 2a: Card’s model, three types of memory, recognition and recall, errors and fatigue.
- Lecture 2b: input and output devices; object/text entry; choice of appropriate device.
- Lecture 3a: Abowd&Beale model of interaction; Norman’s gulfs; menu design; natural language processing.
- Lecture 3b: Types of evaluation, and comparison.
- Lecture 4a: Iterative design, prototypes
- Lecture 4b: “Better by Design” video on the design of a shopping trolley, with discussion
- Lecture 5a: Groupware
- Lecture 5b: Wrap-up, reflection, and revision quiz.
I only have five weeks to introduce HCI to these first year students – there is a limit to the scope and extent of detail that is possible in that time. While it may be tempting to spend these few weeks demonstrating impressive interaction possibilities using state-of-the-art technology (as a way of grabbing the students’ interest and ‘hooking them in’), I believe that introducing a fundamental user-centred perspective and attitude as the basis for the rest of the students’ studies is more important than introducing impressive interactive technology.
The most important HCI concept basis for Computing Science students is the notion of user involvement in system development – this is a mindset, an approach that needs to be adopted early. My aim is therefore to introduce the notion of user-centred design and evaluation by teaching techniques for supporting both. Practically, it is important that students experience the design-implement-evaluation iterative cycle personally, and this is done as much as is possible within the timing and skill constraints of my courses.
The official specification includes some very low-level design topics (e.g. boolean algebra with respect to menu options, task analysis, finite state machines) that I think are not useful at this level – what I cover is a broad, yet useful, set of tools that demonstrate how users can be considered in the design-implementation-evaluation cycle. This is in the hope that the importance of this approach will stay with the students for the rest of their computing science degree.
I therefore:
- include: iterative design and prototyping; design methods and notations (briefly); evaluation; cognitive and perceptual issues (briefly); interaction models; interaction devices; and
- exclude: extensive discussion of examples, multimedia, virtual reality, mobile devices, games etc.
I don't include any detailed interface design guidance: students are introduced to the concept, but are expected to be able to locate and use such guidelines themselves.
The inclusion of research or advanced topics is a risk: special topics such as ethnography, semiotics, groupware, ubiquitous computing, information visualisation etc. are often research-focussed in a way that first year students find hard to grasp. However, I always schedule a lecture on one of these topics (usually groupware or information visualisation) – this can be used for catch-up time if we are running behind, and if not, students are always glad to have a non-examinable lecture where they can sit back, relax and just listen!
Class sizes and structures
There are approximately 150 students in this first year class. Each tutorial group has 12 students and a tutor. These groups meet for scheduled tutorials in small meeting rooms, when the students attempt written exercises, and for scheduled laboratory sessions, when the students attempt practical online exercises. The tutor is present during all labs and tutorials.
Our computer facilities are extensive: it is very rare that students do not have a computer to themselves during the scheduled lab sessions. They also have out-of-hours access to the computer laboratories.
I recommend Human Computer Interaction by Dix et. al. (Prentice Hall, 3rd edition, 2003), but do not require that
students buy it, and do not explicitly refer to it during the
course. When I first set up an HCI course in 1993, its first edition was the only
suitable textbook around, and much of what I have learnt about
teaching HCI has come from this book. I like its structure (human,
computer, interaction), and it is easy for me to pick and choose the
concepts I need for this five-week course.
However, most of the course that I teach is not in this book, being
embellishments and examples I have collected over the years. I get
examples and ideas from the textbooks, but the notes and concepts I
teach have been built up over time.
I have tried using other books variously in the past (Shneiderman,
Preece, Sutcliffe), but have always returned to Dix et al – it
is like coming home!
Influences and Change:
What and how I teach is subject to two main influences. Obviously
there are formal requirements set down by our departmental teaching
committee and the official course specification – some liberties
can be taken (as shown by these two course descriptions), but there
are still constraints.
More importantly, every year I am influenced by the notes that I
made after every lecture, tutorial or assessment the previous
year. These notes ensure that I don’t make the same mistake
twice, and that I am continually improving the content of the course,
and my presentation of it.
Examples of these notes are shown below for the second-year lecture
on dialogue notation and its relation to storyboards. Each year
is colour-coded, so all notes for 2006/7 were yellow, and all notes
for 2007/8 were green. The notes are kept in a lever-arch file next to
the copies of the lecture slides – this means that they are readily
available when I come to prepare the same lecture the following

I have maintined this system of keeping notes after each lecture
since my second year as a lecturer: 1993.
The course therefore changes every year based on the experience of
the previous year, but such an incremental approach is not
sustainable. Complete revision of the course could come about due to
student/tutor/peer feedback, changes in the vertical curriculum or
just a personal feeling that things are simply not hanging together
properly. More importantly, however, having dedicated time to read all
the new textbooks, look at current practice in other institutions,
discuss different approaches with colleagues, and explore all the
recent research might result in a much-improved course.