by Daniel Hagimont (INRIA Rhône-Alpes, France)
Imperial College, UK
Imperial College's area within this project is in policies for security and management of programmable (active) and adaptive networks for telecommunications.
The objective of this project is to analyse the integration of an industrial vision system in a Profibus DP Network and study the performance and dependability.
Imperial College, UK
BMAN will investigate the application of mobile computation models in business processes to the configuration, management and execution of distributed workflow systems for inter-enterprise B2B e-business; new business models and best business practices, exploiting mobile systems and software for business process modelling, are expected to be developed.
The project's goal is to develop a methodology and an architecture to improve dependability for non-safety critical, distributed, embedded automation systems with both IP (inter-site) and dedicated (intra-site) connections.
University of Newcastle, UK
It is a European IST project (IST-1999-11585) that aims to develop significantly improved means for composing a dependable "system of systems" from a set of largely autonomous component computer systems.
The objective of this project is to develop a distributed fault tolerant architecture for a mobile robot control. This architecture uses a vision and a wireless subsystem and motion control subsystem interconnected by a fibre optics area network (CAN).
Iguana/J is an architecture for supporting unanticipated dynamic adaptation of Java software systems without pre-processing or modification of source code or byte code.
The aims of the OpenORB Project are: i) to develop an architecture for reflective middleware, based on industrial standards such as CORBA, ii) to develop a prototype implementation of this architecture, and
iii) to demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach in key areas such as QoS management, distribution transparency, and group services. Our ultimate aim is to be able to define a meta-object protocol (MOP) for standards such as CORBA. Key issues in this research include: i) developing a language independent reflective architecture, ii) investigating issues of security and integrity, and iii) minimising the performance overhead of reflection.
Imperial College, UK
The Patia project aims to carry out studies into data placement and request scheduling to prototype an adaptive webserver management system.
Universität Stuttgart, Germany
Companies which are operating in todays rapidly changing markets have to cope with frequent and unpredictable changes in their environment. The SFB is set up to provide answers to the questions arising in this context. Obtaining a company which has the ability to react quickly upon the changes in the market, pro-actively undertakes the necessary adaptations and continously modifies its own structures to the varying needs. This requires entirely new organisational methods. The building blocks of such new corporate structures are autonomous performance units which are arranged in guided self-organisational networks to form a transformable system. A key position of such companies is the infrastructure for communication and cooperation which is designed in the subproject C4 at the IPVR.
The aim of the STATUS project is to study and determine the connections between software architecture and the usability of the resultant software system and to explain the characteristics of software architectures that improve software usability.
by Rogério de Lemos (
updated 23 June, 2003