All of the examples, so far, have only required zero or one output from a procedure. Many problems involve more than one output. In Modula 3 there are two ways to achieve this:
Here is an example that illustrates the difference:
Write a procedure to determine the century and the two-digit year within
the century from a normal year form.
One input: the year. Two outputs: century and two-digit year. Here is one possible solution:
PROCEDURE BreakdownYear(year : INTEGER;
VAR century, twoDigitYear : INTEGER) =
twoDigitYear := year MOD 100;
(* Be strict about centuries starting in 01. *)
IF twoDigitYear = 0 THEN
century := (year DIV 100);
century := (year DIV 100) + 1;
END BreakdownYear;
Here is the alternative, which looks much more like a function by using a RECORD to combine the two output values:
Components =
century : INTEGER;
twoDigitYear : INTEGER;
PROCEDURE BreakdownYear(year : INTEGER) : Components =
components : Components;
components.twoDigitYear := year MOD 100;
(* Be strict about centuries starting in 01. *)
IF components.twoDigitYear = 0 THEN
components.century := (year DIV 100);
components.century := (year DIV 100) + 1;
RETURN components;
END BreakdownYear;
Whilst this is not a style that you are used to, it is better Software Engineering style to write non-side-effecting procedures and avoid using VAR-parameters wherever possible.
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