Miranda lexical syntax In this section square brackets are used to enclose a set of literal characters, using lex-style conventions, so eg [a-z] means a lower case letter. As usual * and ? are used to mean zero-or-more, and zero-or-one, occurrences of the preceding entity. Parentheses are used for grouping, and subtraction of one syntactic entity from another means set difference. We also revert to using `|' for alternatives, as in standard BNF. script:= (token | layout)* layout:= nl | tab | formfeed | space | comment comment:= vertical_bar vertical_bar (any - nl)* nl token:= identifier | IDENTIFIER | literal | typevar | delimiter identifier:= ([a-z] [a-zA-Z0-9_']* ) - delimiter IDENTIFIER:= [A-Z] [a-zA-Z0-9_']* literal:= numeral | charconst | stringconst literal1:= literal - float numeral:= nat | float nat:= [0-9] [0-9]* float:= [0-9]* [.] nat epart? | nat epart epart:= [e] [+|-]? nat charconst:= ['] (visible-[\]|escape) ['] stringconst:= ["] (visible-[\"]|escape)* ["] escape:= [\] ([ntfrb\'"]|nl|ascii_code) typevar:= [*][*]* delimiter:= - | prefix1 | infix1 | other infix1:= ++ | -- | : | \/ | & | > | >= | = | ~= | <= | < | + | * | / | div | mod | ^ | . | ! | $identifier | $IDENTIFIER infix:= infix1 | - prefix1:= ~ | # prefix:= prefix1 | - other:= abstype | if | otherwise | readvals | show | type | where | with | %export | %free | %include | %insert | %list | %nolist | = | == | ::= | :: | => | vertical_bar | // | -> | ; | , | ( | ) | [ | ] | { | } | <- | .. | $$ | $- | $+ | $* vertical_bar:= | Notes visible means any non-control character, including space (but not including eg newline), nl means literal newline, and ascii_code is a nat in the range 0..255 (maximum length 3 digits). Notice that the syntax of `numeral' does not include negative numbers. Negative constants, such as -3 or -5.05e-17 are parsed by Miranda as applications of the prefix operator `-' to a positive numeral. This has no semantic significance. Omission - the definition of `layout' does not include the additional comment rules for LITERATE SCRIPTS (see separate manual section).