To try this out from within a Miranda session, say e.g.
just 60 (read "file")where "file" contains some text you want to reformat.
You could also make it into a UNIX filter -- see the example `mrev'.
%export just ||----------------------------------------------------------------------|| || in this program we move between three different representations of || || text - as a flat list of characters, including spaces and newlines || || - as a list of lines (containing spaces but not newlines) || || - and as a list of list of words. || ||----------------------------------------------------------------------|| text == [char] line == [char] word == [char] just::num->text->text ||the main function just n = n) words.lines ||lines::text->[line] ||lines is defined in <stdenv> - it breaks a string into lines, ||removing the newline characters paras::[[word]]->[[word]] ||make each paragraph into one long line, by joining adjacent ||non-blank lines paras (a:b:x) = paras ((a++b):x), if a~=[]~=b = a:paras (b:x), otherwise paras (a:[]) = a:[] paras [] = [] reformat::num->[word]->text ||reformat a paragraph to width n reformat n [] = "\n" ||the empty paragraph represents a blank line reformat n x = lay(justify n (partition n x)) ||lay::[line]->text ||lay is defined in <stdenv> - it is the inverse of lines justify::num->[[word]]->[line] justify n para = map(fill_line n)(init para)++[unwords(last para)] partition::num->[word]->[[word]] ||break a paragraph into lines, with as many words as will fit in width ||n on each line (except the last) partition n [] = [] partition n x = x1 : partition n rest where (x1,rest) = grab [] x grab y (w:x) = grab (w:y) x, if sum(map(#)y)+#y+#w <= n = (reverse y,w:x), otherwise grab y [] = (reverse y,[]) fill_line :: num->[word]->line ||make words into a line of length n exactly, by inserting enough spaces fill_line n words = (concat.concat) (transpose [words,mkspaces (w-1) (n-sw)]) where w = #words sw = sum(map (#) words) mkspaces :: num->num->[[char]] ||return s spaces broken into n groups mkspaces n s = map f [1..n], if n mod 2=0 ||see note = map f [n,n-1..1], otherwise where f i = rep (s div n + delta) ' ' where delta = 1, if i<=s mod n = 0, otherwise ||note: we put the extra spaces in sometimes from the left and sometimes ||from the right, depending on the parity of n. This is to avoid ||visually unbalancing the text by having all the extra spaces towards ||one margin. Using the parity of n to decide this is arbitrary. words :: line->[word] ||break a line into words words = filter (~=[]) . foldr (breakon ' ') [[]] unwords :: [word]->line ||join words to make a line, inserting one space as separator unwords = foldr1 (insert ' ') insert :: *->[*]->[*]->[*] insert a x y = x ++ [a] ++ y breakon :: *->*->[[*]]->[[*]] breakon c a x = []:x, if a=c = (a:hd x):tl x, otherwise ||These definitions of `words' and `unwords' are due to Richard Bird, see ||Bird and Wadler (1988), page 91.