Installing Miranda under Cygwin

Open a Cyhwin bash window by clicking on the Cygwin icon, or from the Start menu. List the contents of your home directory by saying
you should see the download file mira-2039-i686-cygwin.tgz. To unpack Miranda type
        tar xzpf mira-2041-i686-Cygwin.tgz
This will create an installation directory mira-2041-i686-Cygwin. To install type
        cd mira-2041-i686-Cygwin
        sh install
	cd ..
Note that bash allows you to complete words by pressing tab. To run Miranda type
There is online help information (say /h) and an online manual (say /man ). To access the manual directly from a UNIX shell say
        mira -man

Some more details

The UNIX manual page for Miranda, which gives information for installers and administrators, is accessed in the usual way

	man mira
Also included in the release are just and mtotex, text formatting programs, sometimes useful in connection with Miranda literate scripts (see Miranda online manual). These have manual pages, say man just, man mtotex.

You can safely remove the installation directory and the downloaded .tgz file after installation. To remove a file say rm filename, to remove a whole directory say rm -rf dirname.

You can inspect the install script in the installation directory to see what it is installing and where. Note in particular miralib, a directory containing various files which mira needs when it is running, which is usually placed at /usr/lib/miralib. For more information say man mira.

There is a collection of example programs, in a directory called ex, under the miralib directory. It has a README file in it. Within a Miranda session, saying

        /cd <ex>
will take you into the examples directory. Say
to see what is in there.