Listen up! School's Colin Johnson to star in radio quiz
4 November 2013

On Monday 11 November, a team of academics and students from Kent will be pitting their wits against each other on BBC Radio 4's lively quiz show, The 3rd Degree. The academic team includes the School of Computing’s Colin Johnson.
The recording will take place at Darwin Conference Suite, Canterbury campus. Places in the audience are available for students and staff, with seats allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. Doors will open at 5.30pm, for a 6pm start.
Whilst the show will have all the rigour of a formal quiz, with questions and scoring approached in serious fashion, there will also be a light-hearted and witty angle, as the students attempt to get one over on their more learned opponents. The 3rd Degree is hosted by comedian, Steve Punt, known for ‘The Now Show’ and ‘Horrible Histories’.
The 3rd Degree travels to universities around the country, and Kent is one of six venues chosen for the current series. The episode is scheduled to air on Radio 4 early next year.
The campus shuttle is available for students or staff wishing to travel to the recording from Medway.