Mark Batty wins second dissertation award
25 November 2015

Dr Mark Batty, Lecturer in the School of Computing, has won a second award for his doctoral thesis. His dissertation, The C11 and C++11 concurrency model, was selected as the winner in the 2015 CPHC/BCS Distinguished Dissertation Competition. The thesis also won the John C. Reynolds Doctoral Dissertation Award.
The Council of Professors and Heads of Computing (CPHC), in conjunction with BCS and BCS Academy of Computing, annually selects for publication the best British PhD/DPhil dissertations in computer science and publishes the winning dissertation and runner up submission on the BCS website.
Dr Bill Mitchell, Director of Education at BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT told Mark, ‘It was a tough competition this year but your thesis was one of three that stood out from the crowd as being exceptional.’
Mark was presented with his award and was commended on his achievement at the annual Roger Needham Lecture at the Royal Society on 2 November 2015.