Employability Week 4th-8th November
4 November 2013

It is Employability Week across the Canterbury campus. There are lots of events for School of Computing students to improve employability prospects:
Placement Poster Fair (all week in SW101): Come and see what last year’s placement students got up to on their Year in Industy. Some finalists will be available to talk through their posters on Monday and Thursday lunchtimes (midday onwards). The posters will be up all week.
CV workshop (Monday 4th 10am, SW101): What makes an employer-friendly CV? Feel free to bring along your CVs for feedback.
‘What employers look for’ (Monday 4th 2pm, SW101): CEO of Kinetic Solutions (placement and graduate recruiter) will let you in on what he looks for when recruiting. Particularly valuable for ALL years!
Annual Careers Fair (Tuesday 5th 12noon-5pm in the Sports Hall) with over 80 employers, including: Accenture, BAE Systems, Cisco, Fujitsu, GForces, IBM, Morgan Stanley, Philips, PWC, Ratemyplacement, Scivisum, Sky and Thales and many, many more.
University Careers Service/ Employability Points talk (Wednesday 6th 11am, SW101) With Bruce Woodcock from the Careers and Employability Service and Tom Richie, Student Enterprise Ambassador. Find out how the University of Kent can help you in your future career.
Group assessment practice (Thursday 7th 2pm-3pm, SW101): Find out what to expect at assessment days, and take part in practice sessions. SIGN UP via csplacements@kent.a.cuk as spaces are limited.