Frank Wang invited to speak at the Science and Information Conference
22 April 2014

Professor Frank Wang has been named as one of the Invited Speakers to the Science and Information Conference (SAI) 2014 in August. His speech title is ‘How will computers evolve over the next 10 years?’. Other keynote and invited speakers will be coming from Canada, Japan, Germany and the USA.
Frank said: ‘Computer science has impact on many parts of our lives. Computer scientists craft the technologies that enable the digital devices we use every day and computing will be at the heart of future revolutions in business, science, and society. I will report our research on Cloud Computing, Big Data, Brain Computing, Green Computing, and other new computing paradigms.'
The event is hosted by The Science and Information Organization, and is being organised with support from Springer and IEEE. It will be held in London from 27-29 August 2014.
More information can be found at