Join a society and enhance your student experience
22 October 2020

Joining a society as both a member and committee member can significantly enhance your university experience and your employability. Make sure to watch our Online Societies Fair to find out more about the benefits involved. There are several societies related to computing and technology that you can join.
The Computing Society is available to students in both Medway and Canterbury. If you'd like to join the Computing Society, please contact Prannoy Alemao at
The BAME Tech Society are new to the School of Computing, established in the 2020-2021 academic year for students in both Canterbury and Medway. Their aim is to create awareness and exposure within the tech sector for BAME students. The purpose of the society is to bring all Kent BAME students that study computing, tech or other courses in the sector or space to come together to network and be inspired
To find out more about the BAME Tech Society, like their Instagram page @bameintechukc or email Leena, Kezia or Emmanuel at
The Women In STEM society is also relatively new having been established in the 2019-20 academic year. Women in STEM aims to shed light on and celebrate the achievements women have made in STEM. The society targets women who study Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics and plans on having talks and society meetings where we learn about the achievements of other women in the mentioned fields. We aim to create a safe space for women to discuss current issues and future plans, to help ensure the upcoming steps in our careers are easier. The ‘stem’ 😉 of our society is to not only have an education platform but rather to create a family in an enjoyable and social environment.
For information about joining the Women in STEM society contact them at
TinkerSoc is an established society for students who enjoy tinkering and making things. For more information about TinkerSoc, please contact Henry Webb via or
For any other society related enquiries please contact
See the full list of societies at