New School Director of Research and Enterprise
2 September 2014

Dr Peter Rodgers has been appointed as the School’s Director of Research and Enterprise. The three-year post begins in September 2014 until August 2017.
Head of School, Professor Frank Wang said, ‘Peter’s work is in information vizualisation and diagrammatic reasoning, including applications to mapping such as metro (underground) systems and he has a track record of publishing in international conferences and leading journals. He also has proven experience of working with industry through receiving a Royal Society Industrial Fellowship.’
Peter's responsibilities in this role will include; developing the School’s research strategy, monitoring the School’s research and enterprise performance, advising members of the School on the preparation of research proposals and chairing the School Research & Enterprise Committee.
Professor Simon Thompson had been in this post for the last three years. Professor Frank Wang said: ‘I would like to take this opportunity to thank Simon Thompson for his extraordinary contributions to the School. Over the past years, he has spent an enormous amount of time in leading the research strategy, encouraging high quality research and supporting individuals. Without his dedication, we would not have had such a high quality REF submission.’