School welcomes Sanjay Bhattacherjee as lecturer
29 January 2020

Dr Sanjay Bhattacherjee has joined the University of Kent as a Lecturer in the School of Computing. Sanjay has strong inter-disciplinary research interests around the theme of cyber security. He has been working on problems in cryptology, voting games and blockchains.
Sanjay joins Kent from the University of East London, where he was a Lecturer in Computer Science and Informatics at the School of Architecture, Computing and Engineering (ACE). Sanjay’s works have been published in venues like the ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communication Security (CCS), IEEE Transactions on Computers, Design, Codes and Cryptography and Journal of Discrete Algorithms.
Previously, Sanjay has worked as a post-doctoral researcher at the AriC team, at ENS Lyon, as a visiting scientist at the Turing Lab, Applied Statistics Unit, Indian Statistical Institute and as a visiting lecturer at the R. C. Bose Centre for Cryptology and Security, Indian Statistical Institute.
Sanjay did his Bachelor of Engineering in Information Technology from Jadavpur University, Kolkata. He did his Master of Technology and Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science from the Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata.
He has worked in the software industry on message switching equipment for GSM mobile networks and on a software that is now part of the McAfee Data Center Security Suite for Databases. More recently, he has provided consultancy services for secure full-stack design and development of a web-based information management system.
Sanjay said `I’m very excited to have joined the School of Computing at Kent. Our cyber security group here has a strong inter-disciplinary bend, which is in complete alignment with my interests. I hope to be able to learn from and work with the excellent group of academics here towards my goal to pursue the problems of technologies from a humanist perspective – being vigilant about popular usages and sensitive about public rights’.
Sanjay will be a member of the Cyber Security Research Group, the Kent Interdisciplinary Research Centre in Cyber Security (KirCCS) and the Institute of Advanced Studies in Cyber Security and Conflict (SoCyETAL). He will be based at the Canterbury campus.