Professor Frank Wang delivers keynote at International Conference on Computing and Communications Applications and Technologies
24 September 2021

Professor Frank Wang, Chairman, IEEE Computer Society (UKaI Chapter), and Professor in Future Computing at the School of Computing, delivered a keynote speech at the International Conference on Computing and Communications Applications and Technologies (I3CAT’21) on Wednesday 15 September, 2021.
Frank introduced his recent research on quantum computing and neuromorphic computing and outlines the future brain-like computing paradigm. He highlighted that the current demand is to double computing power every 100 days, which is too aggressive for the current CMOS technology to sustain. Both quantum computing and neuromorphic computing markets are expected to reach a size of billions USD by 2030.
I3CAT'21 addresses recent advancements in the field of Intelligent Computing and Communication emerging fields of research. The advancements in the field of intelligent computing and new communication technologies are affecting human life. The Conference organizers provide an advanced research event for researchers from all over the world. I3CAT'21 is co-organized by the University of Information Technology and Communications (UOITC), Baghdad, Iraq and The University of Suffolk, London, UK.