Makerspace nearing completion
22 May 2014

The School of Computing has recently built a Makerspace in the Cornwallis Quad on the Canterbury campus. This building represents exciting new teaching and collaboration opportunities.
Amongst other equipment, it contains milling machines, a 3D printer, laser cutter and extensive space for building and making digital artefacts. It is scheduled to open in Summer 2014.
Initially the space will be used for learning and teaching within the School of Computing. A module in the second year will use the facilities to teach about mobile computing, sensors and the internet of things. It will also be used by a number of final year undergraduate and masters students for their projects. In future years we hope to offer final year modules that teach more specialist topics in the space. It will also be used by other University groups, primarily TinkerSoc, for its community activities.
In the longer run we hope to run a number of events for the wider university community, collaborative events with outside organisations, and events for the public.