User interface challenge winners announced
29 September 2020

Before the start of term new and returning students were encouraged to take part in the Userinyerface challenge; an infuriating race to complete a badly designed form on a website.
Undeterred by the deliberately awful interface, School of Computing students rose to the challenge, with many submitting their best efforts several times as they got faster. The winning students managed to complete the challenge in just one second. If you would like to know how this is possible, please scroll down for the video explanation by student Alex Baguenard.
Congratulations to all our winners and runners up and thank you to all who took part.
New students
- 0:01 – Benjamin Wilkinson, Computer Science
- 0:21 – Nathan Cheung, Computer Science with a Year in Industry
- 0:24 – Kurt Santos, Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence)
Returning Students
- 0:01 – Alex Baguenard, Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence)
- 0:26 – Anzil Lee Puertogallera, Business Information Technology
- 0:28 – Edward-Christian Marin, Computer Science with a Year in Industry
Year in Computing students
- 1:06 – Jeeyam Patel, Chemistry with a Year in Computing
- 1:14 – Maya Janabalan, Drama and English & American Literature with a Year in Computing