The School of Computing welcomes new staff
11 February 2016

The School of Computing has added two talented members of academic staff to its numbers. Dr Radu Grigore joined the School in January and Dr Budi Arief joined in February. Both will be based at the Canterbury campus.
Radu received his PhD degree in computer science from University College Dublin. He then spent some time in Queen Mary, University of London and then in University of Oxford. His research interests centre around program verification.
Dr Budi Arief received both his PhD and BSc in Computing Science from Newcastle University, UK, before taking a role as a Senior Research Associate at the University. He will join the Security research group. His research interests are mainly in cybercrime, security and dependability of computer-based systems, Internet of Things and wireless sensor networks, and open source software, with a strong overarching element of interdisciplinary research.
In his spare time, Budi enjoys playing boardgames, badminton and guitar, as well as photography and single malts.