Students report high satisfaction in NSS 2015
12 August 2015

The School of Computing has performed well in the latest National Student Survey (NSS 2015). Our students reported high overall satisfaction (87%) in the quality of their course. Our students also reported high levels of satisfaction with their teaching (85%) and with learning resources (87%).
The NSS 2015 gathered students' opinions and more than 300,000 students at the end of their studies in the UK responded to the survey. The full results can be seen on the Unistats website, which also highlights the excellent employment prospects of our graduates. At least 96% of computing students had found employment or gone on to further study within six months of graduating in 2014 and our graduates achieve higher than average starting salaries compared to computing graduates from other universities.
Computing at Kent is also ranked third in the UK for graduate prospects in The Guardian University Guide 2016.
Limited places are available on Computing programmes through clearing.