Launch of free online masterclasses in programming
2 July 2015

The University has launched a series of masterclasses in Erlang, a programming language that powers websites around the world, including WhatsApp.
The free online classes [1] include contributions from Simon Thompson [2], Professor of Logic and Computation at Kent, and industry experts Joe Armstrong (one of the inventors of Erlang) and Francesco Cesarini (founder of the largest Erlang consultancy).
The masterclasses build on the School of Computing [3]'s reputation as a centre of excellence for functional programming and Erlang. The classes include larger-scale examples and case-studies. A pre-launch announcement of the videos at an industry conference led to more than 2,000 views on YouTube within a fortnight.
The masterclasses are part of the K-MOOCs Beacon Project [4], a joint initiative by the School of Computing and the Unit for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching (UELT) [5]. The Beacon Projects [6] have been funded by the University to highlight our successes and aspirations during our 50th anniversary year.
Simon Thompson will blog [7] about the K-MOOC as it progresses.