Funding awarded for stream and transactional processing research
19 May 2015

Dr Matteo Migliavacca has been awarded funding for a two-year project on stream and transactional processing from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). The project will be looking at the integration of the stream processing model (which processes streams of data in real time) with the the recent developments of in-memory transaction processing systems (which process data which was previously stored).
The funding of £120,000 starts in January 2016, the project will involve Dr Migliavacca as principal investigator and a Research Associate (for which recruitment will begin soon). The School will also fund a PhD scholarship to work on themes related to the project.
Matteo said: ‘Big Data and Fast Data are receiving explosive R&D efforts from industry and academia, which is leading to an organic growth of incompatible parallel data processing systems. It is now time to stand back and rethink how we approach the problem. In this project we aim to close the gap between stream and transaction processing, which is key in reducing operational costs and development complexity of large data-intensive applications. I am very excited for this project which has the potential to revolutionise how we think, develop and manage Big Data applications.’