New Research Associate opportunity: Randomness Generation and Testing
5 January 2021

The School of Computing wishes to appoint a qualified and highly motivated researcher to work as a Research Associate on a project funded by the Quantum Communications Hub v2.
You will work with Professor Julio Hernandez-Castro and Dr. Carlos Perez-Delgado on the analysis and testing of random number generators, including Quantum Random Number Generators. The main objective of such a research would be to improve on existing generation and testing methodologies, and also to critically evaluate current certification schemes with the objective of devising new certification paths that would be more adept to TRNGs and QRNGs.
The position is for a duration of 24 months, full time, and will be positioned within the vibrant and expanding Cyber Security Research Group at the School of Computing. The deadline for application is Sunday 17 January 2021.
Further details, including job description, eligibility information and application link can be found on the Kent jobs website, here: