New Research Associate opportunity: Project CaMELot
15 December 2020

The School of Computing wishes to appoint a qualified and highly motivated researcher to work as a Research Associate on a project titled "CaMELot: Catching and Mitigating Event-Loop Concurrency Issues".
The project is funded by an EPSRC UK grant and is led by Dr Stefan Marr, Lecturer at the School of Computing.
Your role will be to develop lightweight run-time detection techniques for concurrency issues, develop heuristics to minimize run-time overhead, and develop supporting techniques to handle a wide range of potential concurrency bugs. One key element of this work is performance and devising optimization strategies in just-in-time compiled dynamic language runtimes. Another element is the development of tools that enable software developers to fix the bugs in their software. Furthermore, you will engage with user groups and industry to build a corpus of bugs to better understand the common issue and to enable an evaluation of this research.
You are encouraged to contact Stefan, the principal investigator, at if you have any further questions about this post, or if you would like a copy of the full project description.
Further information about the position, including the application link, can be found here: