Kent's MSc Cyber Security programme becomes fully certified by the National Cyber Security Centre
28 August 2020

Kent's MSc Cyber Security programme has become a fully certified master's degree recognised by the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) – a subsidiary of the UK Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ).
The full certification, which is valid for 5 years (2020-2025), confirms that Kent's MSc Cyber Security programme meets the criteria defined by the NCSC for master's degrees providing postgraduate students with a general, broad foundation in cyber security. The MSc Cyber Security programme previously held a Provisional Certification from the NCSC.
Students graduating with this degree programme at the University's School of Computing from 2019-20 onwards will receive a second certificate, jointly issued by the NCSC and the University of Kent, upon successful completion of the degree. This will enhance future career opportunities for graduating students.
This progression comes as the University is building a portfolio of taught programmes in cyber security, including a new BSc (Hons) Computer Science (Cyber Security) programme which will launch in September 2020. All current and forthcoming cyber security programmes at the University provide placement opportunities, allowing students to gain experience in industry as part of their study.
Professor Karen Cox, Vice-Chancellor and President of Kent, said: 'I offer my congratulations and thanks to those colleagues in Cyber Security who helped achieve this important certification. It will be of tremendous value and benefit to our students when they graduate. It is also further recognition of the high quality of our teaching and research in this field.'
Chris Ensor, NCSC's Deputy Director for Cyber Growth, said: 'I am delighted that the University of Kent has had its master's course in Cyber Security fully certified by the NCSC. It demonstrates our shared commitment to responsibly developing the cyber security talent pipeline. Offering a NCSC-certified degree helps prospective students make better informed choices about the quality of courses available and employers can rest assured that graduates will be well-taught and have valued industry skills.'