Provocation Paper Honourable Mention award at CUI 2020 conference
4 August 2020

Dr Rahime Belen Sağlam and Dr Jason Nurse, have received a Provocation Paper Honourable Mention Award at the annual International Conference on Conversational User Interfaces (CUI’2020), for their research paper ‘Is your chatbot GDPR compliant? Open issues in agent design’. This paper explores and presents some of the key open questions in conversational agent (chatbot) design, in light of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This work looks to provoke further research into building agents that are effective at user interaction, but also respectful of regulations and user privacy. The full paper can be accessed here.
This research is associated with the PRoCEED (A Platform for Responsive Chatbot to Enhance Engagement and Disclosure) project. PRoCEED is an EPSRC-funded project designed to make chatbots more trustworthy while also focusing on the nature of sensitive information and how the context of the information can play a role in its perceived sensitivity.
Congratulations to them both.