Virtual Poster Fair and Best Poster Competition
1 June 2020

Following the cancellation of the Computing Showcase Poster Fair in March due to Covid-19, we hare now holding a virtual poster fair to celebrate the hard work put in by the final year students and supervisors. We also want to give you, the students and staff in the School, the opportunity to vote for the best poster.
You can view the posters and vote for your favourite poster based on design and look by visiting DP234600: School of Computing Showcase on Moodle. Voting is open now and until Friday 12 June with the winner being announced on Monday 15 June. The wining team will receive £50.
A couple of our sponsors have also awarded prizes based on the posters and abstracts and we are pleased to announce the following prize winners:
Most Exciting Idea for Global Outreach
The prize for the most exciting idea for global outreach, Sponsored by local employer TMLEP and awarded to the project which has the most exciting prospects for application globally, was won by David Arnold for his research project on Quantum Cryptography and security for a post quantum world.
Innovation challenge
The innovation challenge is sponsored by Kent Innovation and Enterprise (KIE) who were looking for evidence of an attractive business concept and well researched market opportunity. This prize is aimed at recognising and supporting early stage entrepreneurship and is judged on the level of innovation, viability of the market, consideration of the intellectual property position and professionalism in the submitted work. The innovation challenge was won by Sarunas Valiulis for his research project on passwords in a 3D world.
Congratulations to all the students on their projects and to the winners of the sponsored prizes.
Don’t forget to vote for the best poster on Moodle at DP234600: School of Computing Showcase