Message from new Head of School
3 April 2020

Dear all,
As the new Head of School, following the retirement of Professor Richard Jones, I wanted to introduce myself and thank everyone for their patience and resilience at this challenging time.
I will be working as the Head of School until December, when the new Division of Computing, Engineering and Mathematical Sciences will be up and running. Dick Jones has done a fantastic job of leading the School and we are in a strong position to face the challenges ahead.
I also want to assure students that we are working tirelessly to support you and ensure that your education will not be disadvantaged due to the coronavirus. Thank you for bearing with us while we temporarily move the delivery of your degree programmes online and work out the details of exams, assessments and timetables.
Students can keep up to date with all the latest communications from the School about Coronavirus on the School Student Information page on Moodle and from the University on the Student Coronavirus Information page.
If there are any queries about your studies, you can continue to contact the School directly on For support beyond the School, please contact Although we are not on campus, we are still here to support you.
Staff can find the latest information from the University on the Staff Coronavirus Information page.
With best wishes
Peter Rodgers
Head of School of Computing