Will a Robot take my Job? Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Work
22 January 2020

Colin Johnson from the School of Computing is to deliver a STEM@Kent lecture on Wednesday 5 February between 5 and 6pm in Grimond Lecture Theatre 3, entitled ‘Will a Robot take my Job? Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Work.’
A new industrial revolution is upon us, as intelligent machines take the place of humans across the economy. The impact of this could be vast – from increasingly sophisticated robots carrying out manual work, to artificial intelligence doing work in the law and accounting, through to robots working in the most human of jobs such as health and social care. This talk will examine whether the hype around AI is justified, which areas of work this will revolutionise, and which jobs will be untouched.
Furthermore, he will discuss how the structure of the workplace and management will need to change, and where legal responsibility will sit in cases of error, harm or negligence. Of course, this revolution will not happen in a vacuum – in the final part of the talk he will consider how the economy and politics will need to change to cope with one of the most disruptive changes of the 21st century.
This talk is open to all and will be followed by a reception and networking event in the Aphro foyer.
Please book for this event at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/will-a-robot-take-my-job-artificial-intelligence-and-the-future-of-work-tickets-88655989451