Women in STEM society founded by Computing student
21 January 2020

A new student society aimed at women studying sciences has been launched by a first year School of Computing student. Helena Vegheim, who is on the Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence) with a Year in Industry programme, founded the society as a place for female sciences students at Kent to meet, socialise and discuss their disciplines.
Helena said; ‘The Women in Stem society is a group targeted at women who are studying in the science, technology, engineering and/or maths field. We know how difficult it can be to find other women in these subjects so in our society we hope to bring all women together and give each other the opportunity to make new friends.’
The society will meet weekly and will offer activities related to STEM as well as social activities such as:
- Lego robot programming
- chemistry experiments
- pub crawls
- baking
- card game nights
Students wishing to find out more can go to the Kent Union Big Fair on Tuesday 21 January to find out more. They can also find out more details of other tech-related societies, such as the Computing Society and TinkerSoc.