Students win Innovation and Bright Idea award while on placement
11 October 2018

Two students from the School of Computing at Medway have won an award while on placement at Medway Council.
Direna Rugnato and Devesh Patel, Computing with a Year in Industry BSc students, were part of a team who won the Innovation and Bright Idea award for their work on the Social Care Mobile Working project.
The project involved introducing the latest technologies to improve paper-based and manual processes within the Children and Adults directorate. The project enables social workers to have greater flexibility in their work life and, as a result, would also improve the quality of the service that is provided to the most vulnerable people in Medway. The result of this project has transformed the Council's way of working.
Direna said 'It's an amazing feeling to be part of such a successful project and team! It's been an honour to be recognised in the workplace, it just goes to show how much impact you can have whilst on a placement year.
The School of Computing sends over 100 students on placements every year. The School has strong links with industry in Kent, nationally and internationally and has two dedicated placement officers who help students secure roles. The Industrial placement programme is available to all undergraduates and taught Master’s students in the School.
Direna and Devesh join several other students who have won awards while on placement including Sam Cordner-Matthews, Jade Donaldson, Jordan Norris and Hubert Dziedziczak.